Institute for Engineering Mathematics, Geometry and Computer Science, University of Innsbruck, Austria FCAGRAF USER GUIDE EBRA-FCA program Datafile *.fca FCAGRAF program DATAFLOW X-ray series
Institute for Engineering Mathematics, Geometry and Computer Science, University of Innsbruck, Austria FCAGRAF - MAIN WINDOW Display of patient‘s data Select datafile Choose reference point Choose time limit up to which x-rays are compared. Button for raw data display in case of bad comparability. Use head center only if implant design does not offer a shoulder point!
Institute for Engineering Mathematics, Geometry and Computer Science, University of Innsbruck, Austria FCAGRAF - MAIN WINDOW Buttons for table or diagram output Message if input of cement marker had been omitted.
Institute for Engineering Mathematics, Geometry and Computer Science, University of Innsbruck, Austria FCAGRAF - GRAPHICS WINDOW 1mm 1° Left sided implant. Graphics window will be mirrored in case of right sided implant! Printer button
Institute for Engineering Mathematics, Geometry and Computer Science, University of Innsbruck, Austria FCAGRAF - TABLES WINDOW Time Flag for continuity of diagram Relative values! Interface to MS - EXCEL Table is resizable for better readability.