Kelp Forests By: Cailin, Krista, Morgan and Lauren
You may be wondering… What is kelp? A type of brown algae that requires a rocky bottom, cold water, and a continuous supply of nutrients to support its high level of photosynthetic activity. Most productive marine communities on the continental shelf.
Parts of kelp The holdfast at the bottom of the kelp acts like a root system and attaches to solid surfaces such as rocks. The stipe, or stem, grows vertically towards the light at the surface. The gas bladders help to keep the blades buoyant. The blades of the kelp are where photosynthesis takes place. The frond is composed of all the blades together and forms a canopy similar to that of a terrestrial forest.
Where are they found? Kelp forests are often found within a few miles of the shore at depths of less than 120 ft. They grow best in nutrient-rich waters where temperatures stay under 72 degrees. Kelp forests are affected by seasonal changes. During calm sunny summers kelp forests grow thick and healthy. Fast currents and huge waves during winter tear kelp plants from the ocean floor.
Layers of kelp Forest: Top layer: canopy-made of giant kelp that spreads out across the water surface and creates shade Second layer: understory-composed of winged kelp, bull kelp, and oarweed that fill the spaces between giant kelp stalks. Third layer: Kelp floor-the holdfasts cement the kelp plants to the rocky reef. Rockweed, red algae, and coralline algae grow between holdfasts
Life cycle 1. Begins when spores settle on rocky bottom that receives enough light to satisfy needs for energy 2. Spores germinate & develop into a microscopic form that is preyed upon by herbivores 3. Once algae is established, kelp grows quickly 4. Grows toward the light at the surface where the blades spread out, forming a canopy
Types of kelp: Macrocystis-giant kelp that forms underwater forests, dominates the kelp zones of the pacific and Southern Atlantic oceans. Laminaria-kelp that forms dense thickets is dominant in North Atlantic
AnimalsAnimals Sea otters Seals octopus Sea anemones Starfish lobsters Leopard shark
Fun facts about kelp! Kelp forests are the largest growing plants in the sea. They can reach lengths up to 150 ft. and grow more than 2 feet in a day. Humans use a chemical found in kelp called algin, in hundreds of products such as latex, ink, toothpaste, ice cream, and soup. Kelp forests can die when the water becomes warmer than 72 degrees.
Bibliography Julet, Michelle. Introduction to Marine Biology. California: Thomson Brooks/Cole, Print. Gale, Thomson. Kelp Forests. MI: Black Birch Press, Print.