Propanone, Boils at 68 o C, at 150 kPa Ethanol, Boils at 90 o C, at 150 kPa Water, Boils at 110 o C, at 150 kPa LOGIC: Propanone exerts 150 kPa at 68 o C, while water must reach 110 o C to yield the 150 kPa. That is due to the fact that water has STRONGER ATTRACTIONS to break, and that requires more energy, causing a higher boiling point.
Water, Boils at 100 o C, at SP SP Ethanol, Boils at 79 o C, at SP Propanone, Boils at 55 o C, at SP Ethanoic, Boils 119 o C, at SP LOGIC: Propanone reaches SP at 55 o C, while water must reach 100 o C to yield the SP. That is due to the fact that water has STRONGER ATTRACTIONS to break, and that requires more energy, causing a higher normal (SP), sea level boiling point.
Water, Boils at 100 o C, at SP SP Ethanol, Boils at 79 o C, at SP Propanone, Boils at 55 o C, at SP Ethanoic, Boils 121 o C, at SP Propanone, Boils at 68 o C, at 150 kPa Ethanol, Boils at 90 o C, at 150 kPa Water, Boils at 110 o C, at 150 kPa
Ethanoic ( 95 o, 47kPa) Ethanol( 95 o, 190 kPa) Water( 95 o, 80 kPa) LOGIC: At a constant 95 o C, ethanol is more volatile than water. Ethanol gives the relatively greatest vapor pressure, has the weakest attractions and lowest boiling point. Ethanoic acid is the least volatile and has the strongest attractions and highest boiling point ( we did not consider propanone at this temp). These two are NOT generating enough vapor pressure at this temperature to boil at SP, both are below 101.3kPa(1atm) Ethanol generates 190kPa at this temp, well above the kPa needed at SP kPa is applied to a liquid at SP. The liquid must generate thet much vapor pressure to boil, this is the normal boiling point.
Ethanol (71 o, 72 kPa) Water (71 o, 30 kPa) Ethanoic acid (71 o, 20 kPa) Propanone (71 o, 160 kPa)
1)Can propanone boil at 30 o C if SP is applied. 2)Which substance on table H has the weakest attractions. 3)Which substance is the most volatile on table H. 4)Can propanone boil at sp if its temp is 75 o C ? 5)Can water boil at 70 0 C if the atmospheric pressure is SP? U DO IT NOW 1/24/07
1)Can propanone boil at 30 o C if SP is applied? The vapor pressure exerted by propanone at 30 0 C is about 39 kPa, far below the kPa required at SP.It cannot boil at 30 C under SP.
4) Can propanone boil at sp if its temp is 75 o C ? The vapor pressure exerted by propanone at 75 0 C is about 180 kPa, far above the kPa required at SP. It will boil.
5) Can water boil at 70 0 C if the atmospheric pressure is SP? The vapor pressure exerted by water at 70 0 C is about 30 kPa, far below the kPa required at SP. It will not boil.