Medicinal Plants in Palau Medicinal Plants in Palau
Bussonge Hibiscus rosasinensis For boils, the buds are mashed up and placed directly on the boil Decoction of flowers effective for cough
Margoso Momordica charantia Clinically tested to control diabetes Boil 6 tablespoons of clean chopped leaves in 500 ml water until 1 glass of water is left; Dring 1/3 cup of decoction after meals 3x a day. OR Steam ½ cup of packed leaves and eat 2x a day
Imekurs; Averrhoa bilimbi Young leaves are crumpled and the sap is applied to the wound Infusion of the flowers are used for coughs Leaf decoction is given for inflammation of the rectum (hemorrhoids)
Chosm Premna obtusifolia Leaves are used for cuts and sores As a remedy for diarrhea, boil 8 leaves of chosm that have turned yellowand drink the decoction
Oregano Coleus amboinicus Clinically tested for cough Boil 2-4 tablespoons of chopped fresh leaves in 2 glasses of water for 15 minutes until the volume is reduced to 1 glass only. Drink 1/3 of the decoction three times a day For burns, squeeze sufficient fresh leaves and apply the juice on burned skin one or twice a day