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Yeast Starters
What is a Yeast Starter? A small amount of wort (unfermented beer) that is used to grow and prepare yeast to ferment a batch of beer.
Why Do I Need One? To provide the enough healthy yeast to successfully ferment a batch of beer. Pitching the proper amount of healthy yeast results in: Reduced chance of contamination because fermentation process starts much quicker so wild yeast and bacteria are less likely to take hold. Reduced off-flavors through proper yeast growth. Under and over pitching yeast can impart unwanted flavors in beer. Saves cost by not having to purchase additional packages of yeast.
Yeast Pitching Rate Sources: - - BeerSmith Recommended Pitching Rate: Ale: 0.75 Million Cells / ml of Wort Lager: 1.50 Million Cells / ml of Wort
Yeast Pitching Rate Calculation (Pitching Rate) x (Milliters of Wort) x (Degrees Plato of Wort) = Desired Cells Example: 5 Gallons of Ale 5 Gallons 18,927 ml 12 Plato (750,000) x (18,927) x (12) 170 Billion Cells
What Do I Need? Required DME Mixing Container Stirrer (Egg Wisk) * Boiling Container * Fermenting Container Sanitizer Water (Starter/Chill) A Beer of Course * Erlenmeyer Flask Recommended Optional Yeast Nutrient Ice Scale Stir Plate Foam Control
How Do I Make One? Measure out you DME Add the Yeast Nutrient directly to the DME
How Do I Make One? Add cold water and stir Note: amount of water is not Important at this point Pour mixture into boil container
How Do I Make One? Add desired amount of water (4 liters in this case) Add Anti-Foaming Agent
How Do I Make One? Apply Medium Heat… and bring to boil. Boil for ~15 minutes. Note: No Foam!
How Do I Make One? While starter is boiling, prepare Chilling pan by adding cold water. If you’re using a stir plan, sanitize the stir bar.
How Do I Make One? After the 15 minute boil is done, chill the Starter by placing it in cold water. Note: If using a Erlenmeyer cold water and wort should be the same level. After wort cools to between 100 – 120 (may need to replace cold water a few times) I like to add ice to speed process along.
How Do I Make One? Sanitize both the boil container and Yeast package after starter wort is Chiller (< 70F)
How Do I Make One? Add yeast… And Airate (shake), or place on stir plate.
When Is It Done? Yeast growth is done within hours. Note the color change.
Pitching the Starter/Yeast When the yeast growth is do, you can: Pitch starter directly into your batch of beer (2l max. for 5G), or Chill the starter for a few days, so the yeast drops out, and decant the wort off the yeast. Warm the yeast to pitching temp the before using. It’s also good to add little bit of chilled wort on brew day to get the yeast active again.
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