By Amanda. A
* I thought that frozen sheet would have crystals that form faster and be smaller. I also thought that the room temperature sheet will have crystals that will form slower and the crystals would be bigger. * This will happen because the cold on the frozen sheet will have a bigger temperature difference so the syrup will react faster. Also since cold items are smaller and warm items are bigger, the frozen sheet will have smaller crystals and the room temperature sheet will have bigger crystals. I think the crystals will take about 2 minutes to form.
What happened was… * The crystals only formed in the pot. * The crystals were so small you couldn’t see them. * The time boiled didn’t matter only the temperature the syrup heated up to did. * I had to do it 4 times to work and even then it only worked in the pot.
* They formed in the pot because * The crystals were small because the syrup molecules didn’t have time to line up and fit together in a big crystal. * Only the temperature mattered because the liquid in the syrup had to evaporate for the molecules to be able to move around to fit together properly. * It took a while to work because it takes a the right environment and ingredients for molecules to line up in the same pattern one after the other.
* Ice or baking pan/sheet with frozen water at bottom (100% clean) * 100% pure maple syrup * Flashlight * Magnifying glass * Stop watch or timer * Glass containers or baking sheet at room temperature (100% clean) * Pot * Spoon * Place to work * Pencil * Booklet or Journal * Stove * Adult helper * Candy thermometer (optional but it is best to have)
* Buy and gather the materials that you will need * boil 100% maple syrup in a pot on the stove for about minutes (let cool in between for 30 minutes) * Leave in the pot minutes * While the pot of maple syrup, sets get out 3 glass bowls and 1 glass baking pan(any combo works) * Fill half(1/2) the containers with ice cubes * Put the now starting to crystallize maple syrup into 100 % clean glass containers(3 of each temperature) * Record what happens throughout the experiment * Taste
* Buy and gather materials that you will need * Boil maple syrup for minutes * Get out baking sheets * Put 3 dollops of maple syrup on each temperature pan * Do this in between boil times for other procedure (if you do this more than once save old one and use a new pan) * Save syrup if you are going to boil it again
* I thought that the crystals would be smaller and form faster on the frozen baking sheet then the room temperature because… * I thought the cold on the frozen sheet would have a bigger temperature difference so the syrup would react faster. That had the right reasoning. * Since cold items are smaller and warm items are bigger, I thought that the frozen sheet would have smaller crystals and the room temperature sheet would have bigger crystals. That was wrong. * I thought the crystals would take about 2 minutes to form. That was wrong.
* Crystals after following the Procedure that Worked