HERBAL MEDICINE MAKING 101 Created by Brigitte Zettl For Crown Valley Organics
Herbs in History Medicinal plants have aided our survival for all of human history Allopathic medicine has only existed for the last 2 centuries 80% of the planet still uses herbs as their primary source of medicine
Medicinals from Crown Valley Organics Arnica Astragalus Holy Basil Bee Balm Black Cohosh Bugleweed Calendula Catnip Chamomile Comfrey Echinacea Fennel Feverfew Ginger Ginseng Goldenseal Lavender Lemon Balm Lobelia Marshmallow Pleurisy Mugwort Oregano Passionflower Patchouli Peppermint Rosemary Rue Sage Thyme Valerian Violet Wormwood Yarrow
Forms of Herbal Medicine Infusions Decoctions Syrups Elixirs Tinctures Oils Salves
Useful Tools Mortar & Pestle Grinder Jars Funnels Cheese Cloth Press Bees Wax Olive Oil Measuring Devices
Herbal Teas Infusion Flowers Leaves Mucilaginous Roots Mucilaginous Seeds Decoction Roots Bark Mushrooms
Infusion Boil hot water, pour over the herbs, and cover to steep for 10 minutes
Decoction Boil herbs with water and simmer covered for minutes
For the Little Ones: Syrups Mix your decoction or infusion in a 1:1 ratio with honey Keep refrigerated Elixirs Mix your decoction or infusion in a 1:1 ratio with ½ honey and ½ brandy Keep refrigerated
Tinctures for Greater Potency & Storage Life Must be at least 30% alcohol Percentage varies with the herb you are extracting Ratio for dosing is G:Ml
Tinctures Mix your tincture at the proper ratio Cover and shake daily for 2 weeks Strain through cheese cloth with a press
Some Common Ratios Goldenseal – dry – 1:5 – 48% Black Cohosh – dry – 1:3 – 70% Fennel – dry – 1:4 – 65% Kava – dry – 1:1 -70% solv. Valerian – dry – 1:1 – 55% solv. Chamomile – fresh – 1:1.6 – 65% Mint – fresh – 1:1.4 – 65%
For the Skin Oils Similar to tinctures except less math! Load up your jar halfway Pour oil over Shake every day for two weeks Strain with cheesecloth and a press Salves Mix your herbal oil with beeswax. About 1 ounce (30 gm.) per cup is the rule of thumb Herbs: comfrey, arnica, calendula, yarrow, licorice
Recommended Reading The Herbal Medicine Maker’s Handbook; James Green Herbal Medicine from the Heart of the Earth; Sharol Tilgner N.D. Rosemary Gladstar’s Family Herbal