Trends in Mortality by Income in Urban Canada from 1971 to PART I Russell Wilkins, Edward Ng and Jean-Marie Berthelot Health Analysis and Modeling Group Statistics Canada, Ottawa Session 65: Causes of Death Analyses, Differentials and Trends Population Association of America (PAA) 2001 Annual Meeting, Washington DC March 2001
Russell Wilkins Health Analysis and Modeling Group Statistics Canada, RHC-24A Ottawa ON K1A OT6 Tel: Fax:
Data inclusions and exclusions Total deaths 81, , ,960122,104 –Reg not retr’d –Res health inst 5,912 14,824 16,156 19,185 –CT not coded 1, ,010 –CT excluded –Age or sex unkn Deaths retained 73,990 88,140 93, ,786 Non-inst pop (mil)
Low Income %
Foreign-born %
Infant Mortality per 1,000
Infant Mortality, 1996
Q5/Q1 Mortality Ratios Age (yrs)
Life Expectancy at Birth Yrs
Life Expectancy, Males 1996 Yrs
Life Expectancy, Females 1996 Yrs
Female-Male Difference in Life Expectancy Yrs
Probability of Survival to Age 75 %
Probability of Survival to Age 75, Males 1996 %
Probability of Survival to Age 75, Females 1996 %
PYLL(0-74) by Cause, 1996 %
Excess PYLL(0-74) by Cause, 1996 %
Age Distribution of Excess PYLL (0-74)