Universities and Socioeconomic Advance organizing principles for strategically realigning American regional research universities Michael M. Crow Executive Vice Provost of the University Professor of Science and Technology Policy Columbia University
Universities and Socioeconomic Advance 1900 Machine tools Firearms Clocks Sewing machines Hardware Agricultural implements Bicycles Steel Electrification Telegraphy/Telephony
Universities and Socioeconomic Advance 2000 Microelectronics Biotechnology New materials science industries Telecommunications Computer numerically controlled machine tools and robots Civilian aircraft manufacturing Computers (hardware and software)
Universities and Socioeconomic Advance 2030 Nanotechnology Biomimicry Biomaterials Bioelectronics Biocomputing Artificial Intelligence Knowledge Management Planetary Management Green Power Technologies
Universities and Socioeconomic Advance The new knowledge-driven economy Knowledge is our most powerful engine of production (Alfred Marshall, 1890) Why is knowledge becoming more important? Extraordinary progress in information and communications technology Increased speed of scientific and technological advance Increased global competition Changing demand
Universities and Socioeconomic Advance Sustaining economic growth Sustaining economic growth through knowledge communities Producing knowledge vs importing knowledge Positioning regional economies to be a net producer of knowledge Producing knowledge Advantages in speed and diversification Multiple large- and small- scale fundamental science enterprises Capacity to incubate knowledge enterprises Setting conducive to establishing knowledge networks Ready providers and brokers of financial and knowledge venture capital
Universities and Socioeconomic Advance Requirements for science-driven economic diversification Broadly-scoped regional innovation system Markets conducive to risk taking Policies conducive to the development of fundamental public investment in research and development infrastructure –Universities –Computational technology –Networking infrastructure –Early-stage venture financing
Universities and Socioeconomic Advance Positioning the region: Trends in science and technology Movement away from a silicon-based electronics economy Increased rates of technical advance and revolutionary breakthroughs in molecular scale manipulation Wave of technology integration and societal transformation (nanotechnology) Expansion of science through field integration and subsequent new field and new technology development Genetically-modified everything
Universities and Socioeconomic Advance Knowledge in both its fundamental and more applied forms has been and will increasingly become the foundation on which global economic and social development will be built in the 21st century.
Universities and Socioeconomic Advance Scientific knowledge is growing exponentially Scientific creativity is a rare and valuable commodity. 15% of published scientists produce % of the scientific literature in the United States; a small percentage produce the lion’s share of the world’s stock of knowledge. The distribution of this talent is skewed: a high percentage of the most creative scientists are based at the top 20 research universities.
Universities and Socioeconomic Advance Research university as a fundamental institutional innovation
Universities and Socioeconomic Advance Promise of Pasteur’s Quadrant Research Inspired by a Quest for Fundamental Understanding Research is not Inspired by a Quest for Fundamental Understanding Research not Inspired by Considerations of Use Research Inspired by Considerations of Use I. IV.III. II. Pure Basic Research Use Inspired Basic Research Purely Applied Research
Universities and Socioeconomic Advance General environment and interactions Innovation and Development Environments (Silicon Valley, Rt. 128, San Diego, Research Triangle) Government Policy Environment (funding, taxes, procurement, incentives, regulations, intellectual property) Market and Capital (risk capital, national/international markets, free trade environment) Knowledge- and Innovation-Driven Firms Academic Infrastructure (Ideas, discoveries, inventions and trained personnel) Over 75 major R&D universities Thousands of centers Tens of thousands of funding training groups Large and significant markets Significant risk capital Elaborate managerial and decision capability Large scale investment in R&D funding and procurement. R&D support policies are very strong. Over 100 identified areas of ‘critical mass’ in a range of technology areas.
Universities and Socioeconomic Advance Impacts of university research
Universities and Socioeconomic Advance Institutional origin of papers cited in IBM patents
Universities and Socioeconomic Advance Distribution of U.S. scientific and technical articles, by sector:
Universities and Socioeconomic Advance Proximity of lines of business to science Ranked by sum of relevance scores across all sciences Semiconductors and related devices Measuring and controlling devices Pulp, paper, and paperboard mills Drugs Petroleum refining Aircraft and parts Electronic computing equipment Surgical and medical instruments Steelworks, rolling and finishing mills Communications equipment Pumps and pumping equipment Plastic materials and resins Industrial inorganic chemicals Plastic products Perfumes, cosmetics, toilet preparations Motors generators, industrial controls Motor vehicle parts & accessories Industrial inorganic chemicals Plastic products
Universities and Socioeconomic Advance Equitably distributing the costs and benefits of science Educated policy-makers and leaders in science, technology and economic development Enhanced technological literacy for the general public Focused public investments in outcome-driven science
Universities and Socioeconomic Advance Universities are the critical element in the knowledge revolution