1M° by 2025 California Business for Education Excellence
The future strength of the California economy and our quality of life will depend upon the skill of our future workforce. The Public Policy Institute of California projects that by 2025, the state will be one million baccalaureate degrees short to meet the economic productivity demands of our economy. All levels of the education system have a distinct role in accomplishing this goal. 1M° by 2025
Early Childhood Education Elementary School Middle School High School Higher Education 1 Candidate generation College Readiness and Access College Success School Readiness Elementary Education High School Readiness Percent of 3 and 4 year olds enrolled in quality pre-school Results by demographics and socioeconomic status Percent of students proficient in 3rd grade reading Aggregate of proficiency in grades 3 through 7 in ELA and Math Percent of students enrolled and attending Kindergarten Results by demographics and socioeconomic status Percent of 8 th grade students enrolled and proficient on Algebra CST Percent of students proficient or advanced on 8 th grade CST in ELA and Math Results by demographics and socioeconomic status 1M° Percent of students college ready based on EAP Percent of students meeting high school graduation requirements Percent of students dropping out Percent of students entering college Results by demographics and socioeconomic status Number of students graduating from college with bachelors degree Percent of students needing college remediation Number of students obtaining AA from Community College Number of students obtaining certification and transferring from community college to 4-year Number of students with bachelors degree in STEM fields Results by demographics and socioeconomic status