Standard 4 Diversity
Presented By: Facilitator: Shirley L. Barnes, Ph.D.,Chairperson Diversity Committee: Esenc Balam, Ph.D. Necoal Driver, Ph.D. Daniel Lucas, Ph.D. Jacqualine Myers, Ph.D. Gene Ramsey, Ph.D. Parichart Thornton, M.Ed.
Standard 4: Diversity (Initial & Advanced) The unit designs, implements, and evaluates curriculum and experiences for candidates to acquire the knowledge, skills, and dispositions necessary to help all students learn. These experiences include working with diverse higher education and school faculty, diverse peers, and diverse students in P-12 schools.
NCATE Definition of Diversity Differences among groups of people and individuals based on ethnicity, race, socioeconomic status, gender, exceptionalities, language, religion, sexual orientation, and geographic area
Conceptual Framework Commitment to Diversity – “The unit’s conceptual framework(s) reflects the unit’s commitment to preparing to support learning for ALL students and provides a conceptual understanding of how knowledge, dispositions, and skills related to diversity are integrated across the curriculum, instruction, field experiences and clinical practice, assessments, and evaluations.”
FOUR ELEMENTS 4.1: Design, implementation, and evaluation of curriculum and experiences 4.2: Diverse Faculty 4.3: Diverse Candidates 4.4: Diverse P-12 Students Note:Because these elements can be cross listed with other Standards, sometimes a problem in one place means an Area for Improvement (AFI) in another.
Element 4.1: Design, Implementation, and Evaluation of Curriculum & Experiences (Standard 1, Standard 2, Standard 6) THE NCATE “ACCEPTABLE” RUBRIC AND COMMON PROBLEMS “The unit clearly articulates the proficiencies that candidates are expected to develop during their professional program No diversity proficiencies have been identified by the unit “Curriculum and accompanying field experiences are designed to help candidates understand the importance of diversity in teaching and learning” Syllabi do not reflect the unit’s emphasis on diversity Field Experience and Clinical Practice forms do not reflect diversity proficiencies
“Candidates learn to develop and teach lessons that incorporate diversity and develop a classroom and school climate that values diversity. Candidates become aware of different teaching and learning styles shaped by cultural influences and are able to adapt instruction and services appropriately for all students, including students with exceptionalities. Assessments do not assist programs/unit in ascertaining whether or not candidates are developing the expected diversity proficiencies Candidate performance data on diversity proficiencies is not available “They demonstrate dispositions that value fairness and learning by all students.” Programs/units have no clear dispositions related to fairness and learning for all students
Assessments of candidate proficiencies provide data on the ability to help all students learn. Candidates’ assessment data are used to provide feedback to candidates for improving their knowledge, skills, and dispositions.” No candidate data on diversity proficiencies is available No feedback mechanism related to diversity proficiencies is evident
COMMON ISSUES The same materials (e.g., videos, case studies) are used throughout the program Some aspects of diversity are overemphasized and others are ignored Candidate expectations for proficiency do not change as they move through the program Faculty and students who resist discussions of and inclusion of diversity in their work are often insecure – they need assistance and support Some programs in the unit are doing an excellent job and others are not doing anything
Unit Accreditation Board (UAB) Questions Is diversity of faculty & candidates still an expectation of the standard? –Yes Does the UAB still expect teams to report numbers in regard to diversity? –Yes
UAB Questions (continued) If the unit creates experiences--summer programs, visiting scholars, lecture series, etc.--can these be sufficient to meet the intent of the standard? –If they are ongoing and regularly offered, they may contribute to candidate development of knowledge, skills, & dispositions related to diversity
UAB Questions (continued) If “good faith efforts” are being made to recruit & retain diverse faculty & candidates, but there are no results, should a weakness still be cited? –A weakness should be cited, but the “good faith efforts” should be described in the team’s findings.
UAB Questions (continued) If candidate & faculty diversity is limited or non-existent, but the unit meets the expectations in the first element “Design, Implementation and Evaluation of Curriculum and Experiences” is the standard met? It depends on the experiences being provided by the unit. It may be possible for a unit to compensate for the lack of faculty & candidate diversity through use of technology, visiting professors, etc.
UAB Questions (continued) If the unit is diverse, but the unit does not meet the expectation of the first element of standard 4, is the standard met? –No
BOE Questions How does the unit ensure the integration of knowledge, skills, and dispositions related to diversity throughout courses, experiences, and assessments? How is the unit’s commitment to diversity demonstrated?
Standard 4 is not the only reference to diversity….
Candidate Knowledge, Skills, and Dispositions Standard 1
Diversity in Standard 2 Assessment System (Element 1) –The unit takes effective steps to eliminate sources of bias in performance assessments and works to establish the fairness, accuracy, and consistency of its assessment procedures.
Standard 3 Field Experiences & Clinical Practice Element 3: Candidates’ Development & Demonstration of Knowledge, Skills, & Dispositions to help All Students Learn
–Field experiences & clinical practice provide opportunities for candidates to develop & demonstrate knowledge, skills, and dispositions for helping all students learn. –All candidates participate in field experiences or clinical practice that include students with exceptionalities & students from diverse ethnic, racial, gender, & socioeconomic groups.
Experience with Diverse Students in P-12 Schools (Standard 3;Initial and Advanced) “Field experiences or clinical practice in settings with exceptional populations and students from different racial, ethnic, gender, and socioeconomic groups are designed for candidates to develop and practice their knowledge, skills, and dispositions for working with all students. Feedback from peers and supervisors helps candidates reflect on their ability to help all students learn.”
Ensuring Experience with Diverse P-12 Learners What types of innovative field and clinical placements provide experience with diverse P-12 learners? Summer programs, exchanges Is there a way to collaborate with colleagues in the liberal arts and sciences? -First Year Experience for Education candidates w/field experience -College of Arts and Sciences Education -Program for first and second year w/ field -Middle School MST Program w/field
Diversity in Standard 5 - Faculty Modeling Best Professional Practices in Teaching (Element 2) Faculty integrate diversity and technology throughout their teaching. Unit Facilitation of Professional Development (Element 7) …the unit provides opportunities for faculty to develop new knowledge & skills, especially as they relate to the conceptual framework(s), performance assessment, diversity, technology, & other emerging practices.
DIVERSE FACULTY (Standard 5 & 6) “Candidates interact in classroom settings on campus and in schools with professional education faculty, faculty from other units, and school faculty from diverse ethnic, racial, and gender groups.” Data on institution diversity Data on School/College of Ed diversity Data on faculty by program Data on Clinical Faculty Diversity Data on Cooperating Teacher/Mentor Diversity Data on faculty involvement in teaching, research, service, and professional development that indicates expertise or growth in diversity Data on endowed chairs, visiting lecturers, faculty exchanges
DIVERSE CANDIDATES (Standard 6; initial and advanced) “Candidates interact and work with candidates from diverse ethnic, racial, gender, and socioeconomic groups in professional education courses on campus and in schools. Candidates from diverse ethnic, racial, gender, and socioeconomic groups work together on committees and education projects related to education and the content areas. The affirmation of the values of diversity is shown through good-faith efforts made to increase or maintain candidate diversity.
Common Problems with Element 4 Unit/program does not track placements Unit/program does not provide demographic data on placements Not all candidates have experience with diverse placements Advanced programs do not ensure diverse placements Candidates are not provided substantive (documented) feedback related to diversity through assignments, seminars, or by supervisors
KEY QUESTION On balance, do candidates interact in meaningful ways with diverse faculty? If not, what can you do? HAVE A PLAN! Team/Collaborative Teaching (liberal arts/methods) -Visiting Scholars, Faculty Exchanges, Endowed Chair, Distinguished Clinical Professor -Partnerships with Community Colleges -Look at course taking patterns if faculty teach across programs
DATA, DATA, DATA HAVE A PLAN! Demographics by institution, unit, program Recruitment, retention and/or diversity plans Descriptions of special programs and results of those programs On balance, what is the character and quality of the interactions of diverse peers? “Good Faith” efforts vs results?
MEETING STANDARD 4 Collect, analyze, and use data on all elements from all constituencies to understand and explain the issues – and then to address them (i.e., Have a plan!) Collaborate, Collaborate, Collaborate Be clear about your expected proficiencies and document the results Use available resources (e.g., NAME, CREDE, NCATE web) Analyze before adoption of materials (e.g., the controversy over Ruby Payne’s Framework for Analyzing Poverty). Be able to explain why you are implementing the programs, materials, strategies that you select. Use this meeting and others (ATE, AACTE) to share strategies The faculty is the key!
SYLLABI If it is not visible to the candidates on the syllabus, it is not seen as important to them. TEXTS AND MATERIALS Find texts that infuse diversity rather than relegate the discussion of diversity to one chapter All materials (videos, case studies, readings, etc.) should teach or reinforce the concept or strategy while addressing diversity in a balanced way. ASSIGNMENTS, ASSESSMENTS, RUBRICS If it is not assigned & assessed, it is not seen as important to the candidates. CLINICAL FORMS & FEEDBACK Align all forms and feedback instruments with CF and diversity proficiencies.