Prostate Cancer Craig Blundred
Overview Disease Definition Epidemiological Classification Symptoms Disease Burden Incidence Mortality Health Services Who? Geographical Distribution
Disease Definition Prostate cancer is a malignant tumour of the prostate ICD 10 Code C61 / ICD9 185 Most common cancer in men in Western countries Aetiology of the disease is not well known
Symptoms The same as for BPH Difficulty urinating / Increased need to urinate Blood in the Urine Often no symptoms until metastatic disease occurs
Incidence & Mortality Source: Cancer Research UK Rate per population
Incidence Rates Source: Cancer Research UK
Mortality Rates Source: Cancer Research UK
Regional Variations Sources: Welsh Cancer Intelligence & Surveillance Unit, IDS Scotland, National Statistics, Northern Ireland Cancer Registry
Impact on Health Services Source:
Impact on Health Services Prescription Costs for England 2005 Prostate Cancer and Gonadorelin Analogues prescription items dispensed £126,375,600 Source: Health and Social Care Information Centre
Population Details Age Prostate Cancer is a disease of older people Some estimate that if you live until you’re 90, 90% of men will have prostate cancer Source: Cancer Research UK
Population Details Socioeconomic status Incidence rates higher in more affluent men Survival rates higher in more affluent men Difficult to identify socioeconomic status from figures
Population Details Ethnicity Difficult to ascertain but some ethnic groups appear to be more susceptible Within the USA, African-Americans have a higher rate than Caucasian Americans Migrants moving from low risk to high risk areas acquire the local incidence rate
International Comparisons Eurostat Atlas of Mortality in the European Union 2002
Data Quality Main Data Sources Cancer Registries Office of National Statistics Hospital Episode Statistics Prescription Cost Analysis
Data Quality Cancer Registries Systematic collection of data to assist in the management of disease Core data collected with optional categories Core data does not include ethnicity and has markers of socioeconomic status which could be contentious Death certification
Data Quality Office for National Statistics Gets data from Cancer Registries and Hospital Episode Statistics Hospital Episode Statistics Combines cancers of the male genital organs and so includes testicular and penile cancers Prescription Cost Analysis Useful for costing the burden of disease No geographical variations
References Cancer Research UK Acessed 14th April 2008 Eurostat Atlas of Mortality in the European Union 2002 Luxembourg Ferlay, J. Autier, P. Boniol, M. Heanue, M. and Boyle, P. Estimates of the cancer incidence and mortality in Europe in 2006 Annals of Oncology (2007) 18 p Health and Social Care Information Centre Prescription Cost Analysis England 2006 London 2007 Hsing, A. Tsao, L and Devesa, S. International Trends and Patterns of Prostate Cancer Incidence and Mortality International Journal of Cancer (2000) 85, pp60-70 Jarup, L. Best, N. Toledano, M. Wakelfield, J. and Elliot, P. Geographical Epidemiology of Prostate Cancer in Great Britain International Journal of Cancer (2002) 97 pp Office for National Statistics Cancer Statistics Series MB1 No 36 (2007) Office for National Statistics Mortality Statistics Series DH2 No 32 (2005) Quinn, M. Moller, H. Cancer Atlas of the UK and Ireland (200 Selley S, Donovan J, Faulkner A, Coast J, Gillatt D. Diagnosis, management and screening of early localised prostate cancer. Health Technol Assess 1997;1 (2). The Information Centre Hospital Episode Statistics to 2007