Southwest Jemez CFLR All Hands Monitoring Social and Economic Indicators April 12, 2013 Eytan Krasilovsky.


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Presentation transcript:

Southwest Jemez CFLR All Hands Monitoring Social and Economic Indicators April 12, 2013 Eytan Krasilovsky

What to Monitor?

CFLR National Outcomes and Indicators Fire Costs (RCAT) Jobs (TREAT) Leveraged Funds Collaboration Wood Utilization

SW Jemez CFLR Proposal Reduction in costs including: restoration thinning, wildfire risk cost savings, prescribed fire, and wildfire suppression. Collaboration monitoring of the diversity of stakeholders, strength of collaborative group, and tracking the collaborative process over time Woody biomass utilization Direct and indirect benefits to local economies Positive and negative social and economic effects of the project Effects on recreation use Changes in ecosystem services Training and education efforts

How to Monitor? What will happen?When or with what frequency? Develop socioeconomic monitoring plan to meet the needs of the CFLR, the SW Jemez project, and the Santa Fe National Forest Spring 2013 Refine measurement protocols with a diverse group of socioeconomic focused stakeholders including USDA Forest Service R3, NM Forest and Watershed Restoration Institute, and USDA Rural Development Spring and Summer 2013 Collect data across indicatorsAnnually Convene socioeconomic stakeholders to review annual data and make recommendations to project management team Fall, annually Prepare project reports2015 and 2020

2010 – 2012 Reporting CFLR Activities Activity TypeSFNFVCTCosts per UnitUnit 2010 Fuels Footprint 1, $ 512Acre Stream Restoration na 12 $ 3,083Mile Road Decommissioned - - Mile 2011 Fuels Footprint 7, $ 402Acre Fuels (managed ignition) 3,265 $ 35Acre Stream Restoration $ 7,736Mile Road Decommissionedna 11.1 naMile 2012 Fuels Footprint 1, Stream Restoration $ 33,587Mile Road Decommissioned $ 15,000Mile Note: Taken from 2010, 2011, and 2012 reports. There have been difficulties reporting due to incompatible tracking systems used by the SFNF and VCT that were resolved in Fuels: SFNF – 11,000 acres, VCT – 1200 acres. Streams: SFNF – 4.6 miles, VCT – 25 miles. Roads: 3.2 miles total.

2010 – 2012 Reporting SWJ CFLR Jobs Direct Full and Part Time Indirect Full and Part TimeTotal JobsMethod % from Forest Product Activities TREAT Model0% TREAT Model0% TREAT Model75% Note: In % of jobs were from Commercial Forest Product activities. Across all three reporting years, the project supported FTE jobs at the SFNF and VCT.

2010 – 2012 Reporting Wood use Amount SoldValue per CCFValue of sale ,500 $ 30 $ 4, ,450 * $ ,196 $ 10 $ 93,750 *Revenue from Permits CCF removed from NFS landsValue per CCF Value of removed biomass ,250 $ 24 $ 37, ,583 $ ,610 $ 6 $ 90,966 Note: These amounts need to be adjusted based on data used for TREAT that includes all volumes recorded by the VCT in 2010, 2011, and 2012.

Leverage Documentation

2010 – 2012 Reporting Reconcile any gaps and inconsistencies ahead of 2015 reporting Telling the stories behind TREAT Leverage Documentation Preparing for 5 year reporting

Eytan Krasilovsky