What are the major factors that influence the African American concentration?
Urban Residential Segregation Principal features of social interaction & residential segregation Major factors influencing residential segregation GIS examples to visualize and analyze
Principal Features of Social Interaction & Residential Segregation
Urban Residential Differentiation Based on residential segregation- social interaction that develops from socioeconomic background, demographics, and culture Figure 12.2 Social Interaction and residential segregation (p 293 in text) Socioeconomic background Age Ethnicity Lifestyle SOCIAL DISTANCE Residential proximity (physical distance) Social interaction Residential segregation Community
Why did the author title this chapter “The Residential Kaleidoscope”? Socioeconomic background Age Ethnicity Lifestyle SOCIAL DISTANCE Residential proximity (physical distance) Social interaction Residential segregation Community Figure 12.2 Social Interaction and residential segregation
Social Interaction Primary relationships Family Friends Secondary relationships Instrumental Expressive (Intrinsic)
Social Distance, Residential Proximity, & Social Interaction Socioeconomic background Age Ethnicity Lifestyle SOCIAL DISTANCE Residential proximity (physical distance) Social interaction Residential segregation Community Figure 12.2 Social Interaction and residential segregation
Urban Residential Segregation Relationship between social interaction, social distance, & physical distance not that simple: - difficult to isolate - “shrinking world” But distinctive residential neighborhoods do exist
Community & Residential Segregation Socioeconomic background Age Ethnicity Lifestyle SOCIAL DISTANCE Residential proximity (physical distance) Social interaction Residential segregation Community Figure 12.2 Social Interaction and residential segregation
Major Factors Influencing Urban Residential Segregation
Urban Residential Differentiation Major factors influencing residential segregation: 1) Social status 2) Household type 3) Ethnicity 4) Lifestyle
Major factors influencing residential segregation 1)Social status: position or rank of person or group within the society Empirical level- Educational qualifications Occupation Income Conceptual level- Class (values & culture) Class structure Class factions
Major factors influencing residential segregation (1- Social status) Educational system – key element Determinant of skills that decide the starting point in labor force Social reproduction
Major factors influencing residential segregation 2) Household type: A category of a household based on the presence or absence of family members Nuclear family unit Single parent family Person living alone Childless young heterosexual couples Gay couples Empty nesters Divorced & remarried parents with children Small groups Each type has specific housing needs & preferences Household life cycle
Major factors influencing residential segregation 3) Ethnicity: any group of people primarily characterized by attributes of race, religion, nationality, or culture Group categories Charter Minority Assimilation Behavioral Structural
Major factors influencing residential segregation (3- Ethnicity) Congregation- residential clustering through choice Functions fulfilled: Defensive Support Cultural preservation Attack
Major factors influencing residential segregation (3 Ethnicity) Ways to measure ethnic segregation empirically: Index of dissimilarity Index of segregation Index of isolation Are U.S. cities really melting pots? x - y i
Major factors influencing residential segregation 4) Lifestyle: A way of life or style of living that reflects the attitudes and values of a person or group Classic US lifestyles (Wendell Bell): Familists Careerists Consumerists Alternative US lifestyles Gay Recreation & sports oriented Singles Retirement community
GIS Examples to Visualize and Analyze Urban Residential Segregation
Socioeconomic and demographic maps based on data from the NEOCANDO website Other analytic map results How can we use Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to visualize and analyze urban residential segregation in our local area?
Urban Residential Segregation NEO CANDO website: 5
Spatial pattern of residential segregation
Spatial relationship of 2 residential segregation variables
Tracts with African American percent >= 90 and median household Income < $23,000 Using a spatial SQL, we can identify the City, Ward, or Neighborhood that these tracts are located. Spatial Analysis of 2 residential segregation variables through spatial queries
Pearson’s correlation coefficient
Index of Dissimilarity for City of Cleveland, 2010 x - y i x - y i
Other GIS analytic map examples