Steven Rasovsky, New York University Ashwini Srinivasamohan, New York University Annual AASHE Conference, October 2010 Denver, CO
Our approach Pedagogy Serve as a narrative and guide Praxis Fall 2010 pilot in Shanghai Two principle program categories: behavioral and technical
Market factors 54% Technological factors 45% People skills 34% Macroeconomic factors 45% Regulatory concerns 39% Globalization 27% Environmental issues 14% Socioeconomic factors 18% Geopolitical factors 9% China CEOs Three most important ‘external’ forces over the next three years China Students 39% Technological factors 36% Macroeconomic factors 22% Socioeconomic factors 10% People skills 14% Geopolitical factors 18% Regulatory concerns 144 % more 93 % more Source:IBM Global Student Study 2010, IBM Global CEO Study % Globalization 65% Market factors 27% Environmental issues
Sustainability will impact organizations to a large extent in the next 5 years Students CEOs 64% 60% Environmental issues: One of the top three external factors that will impact organizations over the next 5 years Students CEOs 42% 21% Scarcity of resources will impact organizations to a large extent over the next 5 years Students CEOs 65% 29% Increased customer expectations of sustainability will have a large impact Students CEOs 51% 46% Believe sustainability is one of the top three leadership qualities Students CEOs 35% 26% "I'll consider economic performance and societal/ environmental performance as two parts of the same process of wealth creation. We need to rethink what wealth means." Student, France 100 % more Source:IBM Global Student Study 2010, IBM Global CEO Study 2010
EnergyWater Academics Food and Purchasing Transportation Waste Recycling Administration Green Building and Planning Outreach and Engagement Data Communication and technology
Recycling Water Source: NY Times E-Waste
Pre-Departure Behavioral Campaign Website Technical Mapping Student Leadership
Website Articles Student Engagement Pre-departure Air emissions flyer Living Green-- Shanghai
Technical mapping Creating a working map of the NYU global network Setting standards for abroad sites that will extend NYU- main campus’ vision of sustainability
Student liaison program Eco Audit – Shanghai 2010
People contacted Administration, Faculty, Roots and Shoots, Students, Journalist/Bloggers Strategy Personal and Correspondence Outreach in Shanghai People contacted Sustainability Office Manager, Office of Global Programs, Environmental Studies Department, Facilities, Students Strategy Personal and Correspondence Outreach on list-servs (Green Arch, Student clubs) Outreach in New York
Communication Geographical and cultural gap Student turnover More decentralized information
Smaller campuses mean less coordinating Leadership possibilities This program was initiated without institutional financial resources Behavioral opportunity associated with studying abroad
Incorporate media clips to orient students to their environment abroad Expand pilot programs to all NYU abroad sites by institutionalizing a greening framework Expand home campus initiatives to the abroad sites