Regional Intergovernmental Organization Coordinates Regional Maritime Policies of it member states in the Southeast Pacific MEMBER STATES
1981: LIMA CONVENTION Panamá – Colombia - Ecuador – Perú - Chile Regional Seas Program (UNEP)
March 2011: States gave CPPS a mandate to coordinate participation of SEP in the RP April 2011: CPPS Organized a working group of 2 contact points per state (political/technical) Working Group reviewed the RP documents and recommended CPPS to organize a Workshop in the SEP within the framework of RP CPPS prepared documentation according to Guidelines for Workshops to assist the RP Appendix 1: Information to be provided by participants in advance of the workshop
CPPS and member states coordinated actions with its NY delegations at UUNN. At Ad-Hoc Working Group of the Whole meeting, (27-28 June 2011) all 5 states of SEP proposed to organize the first Workshop from the RP. A Declaration was presented to the meeting, asking CPPS to coordinate such Workshop. UNEP offered technical and financial support July-Sept: CPPS coordinated with UNEP and the GOERP via telecom the organization of the Workshop (Chile as host country)
Selected a Group of Experts from the Region Coordinated w/DOALOS all aspects of the Workshop (via Chile as host country) Prepared documentation for Workshop Assessments carried out in the Region Prioritization of the Outline of 1 st Global integrated Assessment. Created a Web page for the Workshop
25 experts from the region’s 5 states 3 experts from the GOERP 5 experts from NEP 5 participants of states out of SP region UNEP/DOALOS/IOC Observers (FAO/WWF/TNC/Humboldt LME/ 6 participants of CPPS
Session day 1 Presentations by GOERP (objectives, expected output) Outline/criteria for Integrated Assessments/ Session day 2 (3 working groups) Physical Sciences Biological Sciences Socioeconomic Aspects Session day 3 General discussions/Results and Conclusions
States recognized the importance of RP and will seek the support of governments to carry out all cycles of RP Experts identified existence of large amounts of data but not ready to use for an integrated assessment Most of it physical and biological data, very limited socioeconomic data readily available Most data is related to areas within coast and the continental platform. Need to expand data collection out of this area into the high seas There is an urgent need of capacity building in integrated assessment
There is expertise in the region to tackle the challenges of the RP, with the help of the GOERP and experts from other regions There is a need to reinforce the technical capacities of experts from the region on issues related to the RP Experts are committed to make available all relevant information for the RP, and CPPS will make it accessible for all cycles the Process.
There is an urgent need to tackle the timetable of the RP and select a pool of experts for RP asap. Strong lobbying will be necessary to seek outside funds for the RP from sources other that states, UNEP and CPPS. A mechanism for communication and coordination will be necessary within the region for a follow up of the implementation of the RP
All data identified as relevant for the RP, should be further analyzed and verified by experts from the region when available for the RP Need to promote a coordination mechanism between the SEP and the SWP to carry out assessments in the high seas areas of the SP Importance of carrying out Technical Workshops to promote horizontal cooperation within the region for training of local experts