Citizens in a Knowledge Society: rethinking education from scratch. Part 1 The digital revolution: citizenship and inclusion in a post-industrial society.


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Presentation transcript:

Citizens in a Knowledge Society: rethinking education from scratch. Part 1 The digital revolution: citizenship and inclusion in a post-industrial society Ismael Peña-López Internet Interdisciplinary Institute Universitat Oberta de Catalunya Quality standards in ICT education workshiop Belgrade, April 12, 2011.

Own elaboration after: Welzel, C., Inglehart, R. & Klingemann, H. (2003). “The theory of human development: A cross- cultural analysis”. In European Journal of Political Research, 42(3), Oxford: Blackwell.The theory of human development: A cross- cultural analysis What is development Socioeconomic development Individual resources Objective choice Value change Emancipative values Subjective choice Democratization Freedom rights Effective choice Health Education Governance Wealth

Own elaboration after: Castells, M. (2000). “Materials for an exploratory theory of the network society”. In British Journal of Sociology, Jan-Mar 2000, 51(1), London: Routledge.Materials for an exploratory theory of the network society Culture Matter (nature)Relationships of Production Relationships of Power Relationships of Experience What is a society

Input: Resources Labour Production Process Capital Output: Products Industrial Society: productive system Scarcity + Transaction Costs + Intermediation

Input: Information Labour: Knowledge Production Process Capital: ICTs Output: Information Information Society: productive system Scarcity? + Transaction Costs? + Intermediation?

Businesses Office Org. chart Reports Product Factory Network of firms Networked firm Outsourcing Offshoring

Governments Bureaucracy Box offices Parties Govts. Parties Action Information Services e-Democracy Cyberactivism Open government

Media Journals Institutions Journalists Information Opinion Press agencies Citizen journalism

Schools & Universities Classroom Teacher Book Action Information Services Educational System e-Democracy Cyberactivism Open government

Citizens Persons Agora Relationships Family Friends Colleagues Social network

Development in an Information Society Socioeconomic development Individual resources Objective choice Value change Emancipative values Subjective choice Democratization FreedomrightsFreedomrights Effective choice Health Education Governance Wealth Culture Matter (nature)Relationships of Production Relationships of Power Relationships of Experience Input: Information Labour: Knowledge Production Process Capital: ICTs Output: Information + +

The Digital Economy as an enabler DevelopmentThe Digital EconomyNetwork Society Socioeconomic Development (individual resources) INFRASTRUCTURESMatter (nature) ICT SECTORProduction Value Change (emancipative values) (DIGITAL) LITERACYExperience Democratization (freedom rights) LEGAL FRAMEWORKPower USES (CONTENT & SERVICES) Culture

LevelICT4DStrategies 1.0 Infrastructures Push ICT Sector Digital Literacy 2.0Pull Legal & Reg. framework Contents & Services 1.0Push 2.0Pull Strategies for the Information Society

Assets Flows Supply Demand Infrastructures Availability Affordability ICT Sector Enterprises Economy Workforce Legal Framework ICT (Sector) Regulation Information Society Strategies and Policies Content and Services Availability Intensity of Use Digital Skills Digital Literacy Level Digital Literacy Training A 360º Digital Framework

15 Belgrade, April 12, Quality standards in ICT education To cite this work: Peña-López, Ismael. (2011) Citizens in a Knowledge Society: rethinking education from scratch. Part 1: The digital revolution: citizenship and inclusion in a post-industrial society. Quality standards in ICT education workshop, April 12, Belgrade. To contact the author: More information please visit All the information in this document under a Creative Commons license: Attribution – Non Commercial – No Derivative Works