Transformation in Arizona Presentation by Kent Ennis, Deputy Director, Dennis Doby, Sr. Director Research Administration, Arizona Department of Commerce April 10 th, 2008
Arizona Data Estimates and Projections Task Force (ADEPT) -ADEPT Goal: make recommendations to enhance estimates and projections process and increase utilization of labor market information
Stakeholders Arizona Departments of –Commerce –Economic Security –Housing –Health Services –Transportation University of Arizona Northern Arizona University Arizona State University Yuma Private Industry Council Mohave-LaPaz Local Workforce Investment Board League of Arizona Cities &Towns Coconino County Southeastern Arizona Governments Organization Central Arizona Association of Governments Maricopa Workforce Connections Maricopa Association of Governments Pima Association of Governments
Data Issues Key users lack full confidence in estimates/projections Users are seeking more current and frequently available data Data program managers have difficulty responding to all stakeholder requests Data programs are under-funded and under-staffed
Stakeholder Recommendations Governance –Mandate & organizational delivery –Policy oversight and technical guidance –Key policies and procedures Program Management –Resource requirement –Staffing –Outreach and technical support for users Data Collection –Work flow process –Data gaps Methods –Approach
Policy & Research Recommendation #1: –Broaden Arizona’s demographic and economic data-gathering mission to incorporate data collection, research AND analysis supporting state socioeconomic policymaking –Initial Progress: Created ADOC planning team to assemble stakeholder recommendations regarding new products Work with Workforce Policy division to share staffing to ensure the analysis of data is available Ongoing….
Organizational Alignment Recommendation #2: –Align existing and expanded policy analysis, data management, and data collection activities with the Arizona Department of Commerce –Initial Progress: The Arizona Department of Economic Security’s Research Division was transferred to the Arizona Department of Commerce in December 2007 Ongoing….
Greater Transparency Recommendation #3: Appoint a population and demographic oversight group and a technical subcommittee –Initial Progress: An updated Governor’s Executive Order is currently in motion to provide governance for the subcommittee Recommendation #4: Continue efforts to increase transparency in population estimates process by providing open access to data and methods –Initial Progress: Efforts have been made to include a hosted web presence and data review by stakeholders
Estimates Review Procedure Recommendation #5: Develop a “user challenge process” for population estimates and projections –Initial Progress: Increase Arizona’s leadership position working with state, federal and cooperative programs Working to enhance Council of Governments (COGs) and locality participation in data collection
State Investment Criteria Recommendation #6: Develop criteria for making state investments in special data projects, management needs or partnerships –Initial Progress: Working to develop funding criteria and policies
Expanding Data Collection Capacity –Provide expert staff State Demographer Chief Economist Policy research & analysis User aupport and technical outreach Fund current FTEs and expand staffing –Provide discretionary funding to support special policy, economic, or demographic research and user outreach
Aligning Workforce & Economic Development Arizona Planning Team –Review current Labor Market products –Identify product needs with stakeholders –Create industry specific products Coordination with WIA System –Participate in One-Stop and Interagency planning meetings –Provide information to the State Workforce Board –Leverage Staffing