The EFGS 2009 Meeting in Den Haag 5-7 October 2009 15/05/2015Lars H. Backer1.


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Presentation transcript:

The EFGS 2009 Meeting in Den Haag 5-7 October /05/2015Lars H. Backer1

NOW; A BRIDGE BETWEEN THE PAST AND THE FUTURE (II: THE FUTURE) The European forum for Geostatistics in the Haag /05/2015Lars H. Backer2 The Future The Past

15/05/2015Lars H. Backer3 Quo Vadiamus?

WP1. User Needs Constant involvement with real user needs 15/05/2015Lars H. Backer4

User needs in terms of Data specifications (Data infrastructure) Semantic modelling Statistics (attributes ) (incl. Metadata) Maps (incl. Metadata) Grid & Blob systems reference – Reference objects Reference information – Literature, Vocabularies, etc. User needs in terms of Data (Infrastructure of Data) Exploit opportunities: Socioeconomic development – Day- time population data – Night- time population data Avoid threats: Catastrophe management – Related to human causes – Related to natural causes User needs 15/05/20155Lars H. Backer

WP2. Geostatistics To map the results of the census on km grids 15/05/2015Lars H. Backer6

National grid data Create an integrated European dataset – Bottom up approach – Top down approach – Integrated approach Harmonize and develop (through an iterative process) grid and blob datasets over time in response to real user needs. Develop a global solution for grids Geostatisics 15/05/20157Lars H. Backer

WP3. Infrastructure Steps towards an infrastructure for integrated datasets (both maps and statistics) 15/05/2015Lars H. Backer8

Data infrastructures – Improve the data infrastructure plans for the INSPIRE project Infrastuctures for dissemination – Build and develop infrastructures for dissemination (find, explore and aquire spatial datasets Infrastructures for use – Development of an infrastructure of integrated datasets (e.g. GIISS type datasets developed from the Inspire annexes) Infrastructures 15/05/20159Lars H. Backer

WP4. Dissemination, Distribution & Exploitation To create and activate channels to further the dissemination, distribution and exploitation of spatial data 15/05/2015Lars H. Backer10

We need to improve our channels to disseminate, distribute and exploit geostatistics for practical use. Dissemination – Methods and channels for dissemination of geostatistics Distribution – Methods and channels for Distribution of geostatistics Exploitation – Methods and channels for the exploitation of geosttistics Dissemination & Exploitation 15/05/201511Lars H. Backer

WP0. Management To build an efficient organisation for the ESSnet project that may be transformed into a more permanent organisation for the EFGS 15/05/2015Lars H. Backer12

EFGS and the Geostat ESSnet to go hand in hand Develop the Geostat Essnet project in the short perspective – This requires that one of the NSI’s take the burden of leading Develop the EFGS in the long perspective – This requires an organisation that can organise and manage projects. Develop the EFGS 15/05/201513Lars H. Backer

Summing up To go beyond the Geostat ESSnet Project 15/05/2015Lars H. Backer14

WP0: Management To give the EFGS a formal organisation, a clear mandate from our peers. WP1: User needs To deal with both opportunities and threats – Best practises, research and expert communities connected to this issue WP2: Geostatistics One harmonised dataset of integrated grids and maps (GIISS) from global to local as a complement to existing blob systems. – Best practises, research and expert communities connected to this issue WP3: Data infrastructure To develop standard for data infrastructure for geostatistics (both grids and blobs) grids that works on all levels from global to local. – Best practises, research and expert communities connected to this issue WP4: Dissemination, Distribution and Exploitation How to encourage the discovery, exploration spreading and use of gridbased datasets required for sustainable development. – Best practises, research and expert communities connected to this issue Focus for the coming years 15/05/201515Lars H. Backer

Thank you! Lars H. Backer at Statistics Sweden from 2010 at Mdialog 15/05/2015Lars H. Backer17

To you all – for contributing to the workshop with your presentations and contributions to discussions To Eurostat – For sending such a strong and competent delegation and letting us meet Guenter Schaefer. To the Hosts of the EFGS workshops – Statistics Slovenia for the last workshop in Bled – Statistics Netherlands for this workshop in the Haag – Statistics Estonia for organising the next workshop in Thallin To Statistics Norway – For taking on the leadership for the EFGS and the Geostat Essnet project. Thanks 15/05/201518Lars H. Backer

The EFGS 2009 Closing its meeting in Den Haag 5-7 October 2009 Thank you 15/05/2015Lars H. Backer19