Developer Name: Gómez Rosales Jacobo I.D
Select the correct tenses for these sentences: 1.-I wake up at 7:00 everyday Simple Presentpastmakefuture 2.-I’m doing my homework now. Simple Present 3.-I’m going to change my car next year. 4.-I will have finished my homework by the time I start watching TV. 5.-Luis was taking a shower when I called him. Present Progressive Simple Future Future Perfect Past Progressive past make Simple Presentpastmake Simple Presentpastmake Simple Present makefuture NEXT
6.-Select the example of zero conditional: If you arrive early, you get a good place at the parking lot If you come to the party, I will dance with you. I think the driver should have been more careful. He shouldn’t have watched TV yesterday night. NEXT
7.-We use the causative LET + PERSON + VERB IN BASE FORM to talk about: things that someone can permit to the same person to do. things that someone can permit another person to do. things that someone can cause another person to do. things with so much importance NEXT
8.-Select the passive voice in simple past: Those churches were built long time ago. The computer is going to be fixed next week. My homework will be done on time. My car is washed every weekend NEXT
9.-We use IF + SUBJECT + VERB CHANGED to report what a speaker asked without using the exact words. things with so much importance things that someone can cause another person to do. report what somebody asked without using the exact words. NEXT
10.-Which is the correct structure when we need use a modal and also we want a sentence that who received the action is more important than who did it. MODALS + BE + VERB IN PAST PARTICIPLE MODALS + BE + VERB IN PAST PROGRESSIVE MODALS + BEEN + WAS MODALS + WAS + VERB IN INFINITIVE NEXT
I talk every day I was playing He eat bananas I ate sandwich I will go to miami. I was playing For future abilities abilities in present I talk every day Im doing my homework I was playing I will play They are waiting you She will be waiting talk about abilities in past For future abilities I was playing You have seen so much tv He will been watching The teacher is going to be grading our projects at 5 By the time you arrived, I had already finished the project. The teacher will grading your project The teacher is going to be grading our projects at 5 to give advice talk only about new abilities talk about things that someone cant permit another person to do. talk about things that someone can cause another person to do. talk about things that someone cant permit another person to do. talk about things that someone can permit another person to do. to talk about things that someone can cause another person to do. talk about things that someone can cause another person to do. to express strong necessity and obligation talk about wrong abilities Simple Present Simple Past Past Progressive Simple Future Future Progressive Present Perfect Make Past Perfect Let Future Perfect Get Can Could Should Must Present Progressive RETURN