Module 3 – Being a trainer for impact Training of Trainers - Improving the holistic protection of children at risk of violence 1 Phase Building a common understanding
Definition of training Training of Trainers - Improving the holistic protection of children at risk of violence 2 Phase Module 3 : THE TRAINERS Working with people so they develop their knowledge, skills and behaviour (building the capacity of people) Plenary group discussion Definition of impact “things change, they improve”
How do people learn ? Training of Trainers - Improving the holistic protection of children at risk of violence 3 Phase Module 3 : THE TRAINERS -Never learn when they are obliged -Repetition from different sources -Learn when involved in thinking -Learn when related to own experience and challenges Different learners (sight learners, hearing learners, movement learners)
Training of Trainers - Improving the holistic protection of children at risk of violence 4 -What are the needs of the concerned children, families, communities -What are the learning needs from the trainees -Practical support -Mentoring -Refresher training -troubleshooting Phase Module 3 : THE TRAINERS -Different settings are possible -Adapt / never goes according to the plan -Curriculum based on needs assessment -Methodology depending on target group Design training / revise training Provide initial training Regular & supportive monitoring Evaluation Needs assessment -To be undertaken as part of the project evaluation -Specific tools
Training methods Training of Trainers - Improving the holistic protection of children at risk of violence 5 Phase Module 3 : THE TRAINERS -Focus Group Discussions -Brainstorming -Drawing pictures -Writing a poem, a song -Using pictures and videos -Word associations -Panel discussions -Role plays -Quizz -Buzzing -Active games -Fact sheets to comment -Traditional teaching method -Case studies Plenary discussion on advantages and disadvantages of each
Role of trainer Training of Trainers - Improving the holistic protection of children at risk of violence 6 Phase Module 3 : THE TRAINERS Plenary group discussion
The VAC trainer is a facilitator Training of Trainers - Improving the holistic protection of children at risk of violence 7 He ensures different actors have the skills, tools and support to prevent and respond to VAC in an effective and coordinated manner Phase Module 3 : THE TRAINERS -Understands the topic – practical experience makes a difference -Collects information, analyses information and make it understandable / available; Trainees often know more than trainers -Willing to learn – training is a learning process, need to learn about the people you train (their needs, their availability, their challenges) Experience sharing Code of Conduct like any child protection worker
Values and principles of a CP trainer Training of Trainers - Improving the holistic protection of children at risk of violence 8 Write poem Phase Module 3 : THE TRAINERS
Key values and principles Training of Trainers - Improving the holistic protection of children at risk of violence 9 Non Discrimination Best interest of the Child Respect children’s rights Seek and respect the views of children, families and all concerned Involve children, families and communities Respect for cultural values Responding to real issues and needs Willing to adapt to changing situations Integrate into a range of activities, build upon community resources Phase Module 3 : THE TRAINERS
Communication skills Training of Trainers - Improving the holistic protection of children at risk of violence 10 Importance of body language, tone of voice, content of words Importance of objects Small group discussions – 10 minutes Phase Module 3 : THE TRAINERS
Group facilitation skills Training of Trainers - Improving the holistic protection of children at risk of violence 11 Group management – identify people, give them a role, do not get into competition. Gender perspective. Importance of humor Trainer is a facilitator trainees have very valuable information and experience Facilitators guide debates, clarify when needed, encourage expression, offer resources, ideas, strategies but NO opinions Large group discussion Phase Module 3 : THE TRAINERS
Different social groups Training of Trainers - Improving the holistic protection of children at risk of violence 12 How would you provide training on child rights to : -The prime minister cabinet -A group of nursery staff -Young people in prison -Foreign children in a refugee camp -Elderly persons from a rich background Large group discussion Phase Module 3 : THE TRAINERS
IEC materials Training of Trainers - Improving the holistic protection of children at risk of violence 13 Process: -Needs assessment -Design of curriculum / messages -Define type of materials -Test materials -Validate materials Large group discussion Phase Module 3 : THE TRAINERS Posters Video, image, text for social media Flash card Tshirts Books Billboard TV spot Radio spot etc
Final tips Training of Trainers - Improving the holistic protection of children at risk of violence 14 Phase 1 - Module 1 : VIOLENCE AGAINST CHILDREN Be well prepared but remain flexible – training never goes according to the plan Pay attention to participants body langage Learn to manage your voice tone and body langage Listen carefully to participants