Revision Rubric English 11 Brad Hutchinson
Ideas and Development A clear, intriguing message or story Unusual details Original insights or a unique perspective Takes the reader into the author's world Based on experience and imagination
Ideas and Development The Key - Does the writer go beyond the obvious to create an intriguing picture for the reader?
Organization A great lead to hook the reader Clear transitions - with a surprise or two A main point or storyline to which all details connect Pacing that doesn't push and shove or bog the reader down A strong ending that leaves the reader feeling as if the piece is complete
Organization The Key - Does the organizational flow keep the reader reading? Keep the reader hooked?
Voice Writing that bears the fingerprints of this writer Text a reader would love to read about A reader would feel that the writer is speaking right to him or her
Voice The Key – Would a reader want to share this piece of writing with others? Would a reader want to keep reading?
Word Choice Wording and phrasing are memorable and lyrical Words create pictures in the reader's mind Strong verbs lend the writing power Specific nouns paint a clear picture
Word Choice The Key - Would key words or phrases linger in a reader’s mind?
Sentence Fluency Sentences are easy to read, silently or aloud Sentence beginnings are variable and purposeful The writer is playful with style - short punchy sentences pop up amid the longer ones Rhythmic, expressive phrasing enhances voice
Sentence Fluency The Key - Is it fun to read aloud? Could a reader read this piece aloud with expression?