Educator Evaluation System Salem Public Schools. All DESE Evaluation Information and Forms are on the SPS Webpage Forms may be downloaded Hard copies.


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Presentation transcript:

Educator Evaluation System Salem Public Schools

All DESE Evaluation Information and Forms are on the SPS Webpage Forms may be downloaded Hard copies will be available for all staff for the start of school

Go to the SPS Website

Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 5 Step Evaluation Cycle: Rubrics 10 Part III: Guide to Rubrics Pages 4-5 Rubric is used to assess performance and/or progress toward goals Rubric is used to analyze performance and determine ratings on each Standard and Overall Every educator uses a rubric to self-assess against Performance Standards Professional Practice goals – team and/or individual must be tied to one or more Performance Standards Evidence is collected for Standards and Indicators; rubric should be used to provide feedback

Administrators Instructional Leadership* Management and Operations Family & Community Partnerships Professional Culture Teachers Curriculum, Planning & Assessment* Teaching All Students (Instruction)* Family & Community Engagement Professional Culture * Indicates a “ power standard ” - Educators and leaders MUST be rated Proficient in these standards in order to receive an overall summative performance rating of Proficient. Know the Four Standards The New Standards

DESE Forms (Appendix A of Section II) a. Educator Tracking Sheet b. Self-Assessment Form c. Goal-Setting Form d. Educator Plan Form e. Educator Record of Evidence Form f. Educator Collection of Evidence Form g. Formative Assessment Report Form h. Formative Evaluation Report Form i. Summative Evaluation Report Form j. Educator Response Form

The Rubrics: Superintendent/ Administrators / Teachers - Section III a. Appendix A - Superintendent Rubric b. Appendix B - Principal Rubric c. Appendix C - Teacher Rubric d. Appendix D - Specialized Instructional Support Personnel

8 Multiple Sources of Evidence Inform the Summative Performance Rating

9 Educators will eventually earn two separate ratings: Summ ative Rating Exemplary 1-YEAR SELF- DIRECTED GROWTH PLAN 2-YEAR SELF-DIRECTED GROWTH PLAN Proficient Needs Improvement DIRECTED GROWTH PLAN Unsatisfactory IMPROVEMENT PLAN LowModerateHigh Rating of Impact on Student Learning (multiple measures of performance, including MCAS Student Growth Percentile and MEPA where available) Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Summative Rating Exemplary 1-YEAR SELF- DIRECTED GROWTH PLAN 2-YEAR SELF-DIRECTED GROWTH PLAN Proficient Needs Improvement DIRECTED GROWTH PLAN Unsatisfactory IMPROVEMENT PLAN LowModerateHigh Rating of Impact on Student Learning (multiple measures of performance, including MCAS Student Growth Percentile and MEPA where available)

Handout - Educator Evaluation Process: Procedures for Educators: Teachers and Specialized Instructional Personnel Each of the five steps are charted over the course of a year Dates, Resources and Actions are delineated This chart outlines the process of evaluation of licensed educators who will be evaluated by principals, asst. principals, directors, and coordinators

Step I of Annual Cycle: Self-Assessment September 4-15, 2012 Key Issues to be Addressed: Determine the appropriate educator plan (see handout) for each staff member AND who will evaluate each teacher Review Forms and Rubrics Using hardcopies of the Self-Evaluation Form and the appropriate educator rubric, teachers will independently complete the self-evaluation form

Step II of Annual Cycle: Analysis, Goal Setting and Development September 15-30, 2012 Refer to Appendix B - Setting SMART Goals and show video (optional) Teachers develop a minimum of one Student Learning Goal and one Professional Practice Goal

S M A R T Goals are... Specific / Strategic Measurable Action-Oriented Rigorous/ Realistic/ Results-Focused Timed and Tracked

Step II of Annual Cycle: Development, Analysis and Goal Setting (continued) October 1-15, 2012 TeachPoint Training to be provided for all staff (Aug. 15th “Train the Trainer” - trainers present to staff ) Teachers will transfer hardcopy information on the Self-Evaluation and Goal Setting forms to the TeachPoint software format Educators develop plans Evaluators weigh in and approve the plans. Plans are developed using TeachPoint Follow steps as outlined on the Educator Evaluation Process chart

Step III of Annual Cycle: Implementation of the Plan and Collection of Evidence October May 2013 Both educator and evaluator begin the process of collecting evidence Evaluators conduct observations and walk throughs, and review multiple products of practice, e.g. district determined assessments, portfolios, lesson plans, course work, etc. Educators document how they are working towards meeting their SMART goals and collect ongoing evidence of having met the four standards

Step IV of Annual Cycle: Formative Assessment January - February 2013 The evaluator assesses the educator’s progress on attainment of goals and progress on achievement of the four standards The evaluator completes the Formative Assessment Report Form (note the difference - Formative Evaluation Form)

Step V of Annual Cycle: Summative Assessment May - June 2013 Based upon the collected evidence, the evaluator determines a rating for the educator on each of the four standards and determines and overall rating Remember the impact of the “power” standards

Frequently Asked Questions Who will be evaluating me? What’s my educator plan? What part do I play in my own evaluation process? How do I address concerns I may have about comments made in observations, walk-throughs, formative and/or summative assessments?

Table of Contents - Part II of the School Level Implementation Guide Common Questions page 21 Definition of Plans page 24 Educators Serving in More Than One Role page 30 Change in Plan After the Formative 47