1 An Ecological Psychology Framework for Customizing Anchored Instruction with Real-Time Authentic Data Michael F. Young, Matthew S. Wlodarczyk, Neag School.


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Presentation transcript:

1 An Ecological Psychology Framework for Customizing Anchored Instruction with Real-Time Authentic Data Michael F. Young, Matthew S. Wlodarczyk, Neag School of Education, University of Connecticut Thomas Torgersen, Brett Branco, Marine Sciences, University of Connecticut

2 The Framework: Ecological Psychology Education of Intention and Attention –Perception of real-time data driven by hypotheses –Students must detect patterns (processes) in data Detection of invariance –Patterns in real-time data represent invariant structure Intentional Dynamics and Ontological Descent –Assume each student bring unique goals/intentions that organize their interaction with the data.

3 Big Picture -- University of Connecticut’s… Customization of Curriculum Group’s work. –“Vanilla Curriculum” –Design Protocol: Teacher Interview Customization of Assessment Group’s work. –Performance Assessment Rubric –Development of Cross Referenced Scientific Problem Solving Taxonomy & SCALE Rubric

4 Abstract Anchored instruction scenarios were developed to invite high school and college students to understand authentic pond water quality data made available in near real time over the Internet. A framework based on Ecological Psychology was used to emphasize perception-action over memory-retrieval as the fundamental process of learning (see Young, Barab, and Garrett, 2001). Drawing on concepts of seamless assessment (e.g., Kulikowich and Young, 2000) and the full integration of situated learning with anchored assessment, we provided online teacher and student discussion and support materials to support customization of anchored instruction. Our methodology applied a combination of quantitative and qualitative techniques in the context of a design experiment focused on the development and refinement of an anchored problem-solving learning context through prototype development work with teachers, two undergraduate classrooms, and a high school classroom. Our poster will focus on the results of the design experiment related to the synergistic relationship with the SCALE group and its outcomes.

5 Geoscience Environmental Education-- Web-accessible Instrumented Systems (GEE – WIS) A joint project of the Department of Marine Sciences and the Neag School of Education. Established and –MyPond is the data site. –GEE-WIS is the education site. Design experiment with undergraduate and high school science classrooms. –Real-time water quality data streamed via the Internet. –Anchored instruction scenarios featuring the Brown Family – a young family living near a university campus.

6 The Websites GEE-WISMyPond The “Education” SiteThe “Data” Site

7 Anchored Instruction Scenarios 2 “slideshow” scenarios were developed. The Brown Family (Peter, Jeanette, and Ralph) are featured. They have recently moved into Peter’s late grandfather’s house near a university. Both scenarios develop a problem for students to solve, using the online data. Illustration by Vadim Gershman

8 SCALE Collaboration –Collaborated with SCALE to help support customization of anchored instruction. –Participated in: SCALE Curriculum Group; and SCALE Assessment Group. –Participation in SCALE and implementation in undergraduate classrooms have informed design experiment. GEE-WIS based on SCALE “vanilla curriculum model.” GEE-WIS rubrics are customizations of SCALE assessment group products. Anchored instruction scenarios have been refined over several implementations.

9 SCALE Collaboration SCALE GEE-WIS 1) Vanilla Curriculum has informed Curriculum Group 2) Design Protocol: Teacher Interview has informed

10 SCALE Collaboration SCALE GEE-WIS Performance Assessment Rubric has informed Assessment Group Scientific Problem Solving Taxonomy has informed Cross Referenced Scientific Problem Solving Taxonomy & SCALE Rubric Customized SCALE Assessment Rubric

11 Refinements Participated in SCALE workshop in July of Recognized political issues could attract focus from science content. –Redesigned to lessen the politics and focus on science. Implemented in a workshop for practicing teachers the late Summer –Reflection and Redesign… Integrated construction on campus into the scenarios. Customized SCALE assessment rubric. Customized the SCALE Design Protocol. Implemented in an undergraduate engineering course in the Fall of –Reflection and Redesign… Need for students to externalize the problem solving process online. Designed a taxonomy for scientific problem solving (customization of SCALE assessment).

12 Refinements Summer 2001 January 2002 Designed Anchor Scenarios in PowerPoint De-politicized Anchors: Focus on Science July: SCALE NWU Implemented with Teachers in Summer Workshop Integrated Construction on Campus into Scenarios October: SCALE Workshop in SC Customized SCALE Design Protocol Implemented in Undergrad Engineering Course Customized SCALE Performance Assessment Rubric Need for Student Problem Solving Process to be Externalized Use On-line Technologies to Capture More Student Problem Solving Italics indicates SCALE collaboration items. Green text across the arrow indicates significant events.

13 Today… Implementing in an undergraduate marine sciences course. –Reflection and Redesign… Political issues still biasing scientific analysis. Redirecting students to focus on the scientific analysis of the data without trying to fit it to their “client” (either the Brown’s or the university). Applying SCALE customized assessment and scientific problem solving taxonomy to written student work. Implementing in a high school ecology course. –Reflection and Redesign… Need to simplify and scaffold the data for high school teachers and students. Students are currently presenting their solutions. No data collected as of April 1, 2002.

14 Refinements to Today… January 2002 April 2002 Designed Taxonomy for Scientific Problem Solving Political Issues Still being Recognized Implementing in an Undergrad Marine Science Course & High School Ecology Course Students Beginning to Present Preliminary Ideas/Solutions Need to Scaffold Data and Information For Teachers & High Schools Redirecting Students to Focus on Scientific Analysis without Fitting to Client Applying SCALE Performance Assessment Rubric & Taxonomy for Scientific Problem Solving Italics indicates SCALE collaboration items. Green text across the arrow indicates significant events.