OUTCOMES ASSESSMENT Developing and Implementing an Effective Plan
Principle 1. Outcome Assessment Excellence in sport management education is evaluated through the assessment of student learning outcomes and operational outcomes. Excellence in sport management education is evaluated through the assessment of student learning outcomes and operational outcomes. Institution is required to have developed and fully implemented an O/A process. Institution is required to have developed and fully implemented an O/A process.
Creating the Outcomes Assessment Plan 1. Mission and Broad-Based Goals 2. Student Learning Outcomes 3. Basic Skills Development 4. Student Personal Development 5. Methods for Measuring Effectiveness
Mission and Broad-Based Goals Institution: Provide your institution’s approved mission & broad-based goals Institution: Provide your institution’s approved mission & broad-based goals Sport Management Program: Provide the approved broad-based goals for your sport management program Sport Management Program: Provide the approved broad-based goals for your sport management program Measurement: State how you will provide evidence that the goals are being accomplished Measurement: State how you will provide evidence that the goals are being accomplished
Student Learning Outcomes What is a learning outcome? What is a learning outcome? Description of what your students are able to do Description of what your students are able to do Clear and measurable Clear and measurable Related to the goals of the institution. Related to the goals of the institution. Identify measurement tools you will use/Rubric design Identify measurement tools you will use/Rubric design Institutional Goals Program Learning Outcome Communicate effectively both orally and written. Comprehension and application of professional written and oral communication business skills.
Measure Attainment of Learning Outcomes Identify a minimum of: Identify a minimum of: –two direct measures –two indirect measures Explain the process for how your measures will provide meaningful results Explain the process for how your measures will provide meaningful results Provide copies of your instruments/rubrics in the appendix Provide copies of your instruments/rubrics in the appendix
Determine Measures and Assessment Tools Types of Measures: Student Learning Outcomes (Direct) Student Learning Outcomes (Direct) Student Learning Outcomes (Indirect) Student Learning Outcomes (Indirect) Student Satisfaction (Indirect) Student Satisfaction (Indirect) Operational Effectiveness (Indirect) Operational Effectiveness (Indirect) Note: Two direct and two indirect measures are required.
Direct Measures Direct Measures: Demonstrates direct evidence of student learning Examples: Comprehensive exams Comprehensive exams Standardized national exams Standardized national exams Pretest and posttest assessments Pretest and posttest assessments Portfolios Portfolios Capstone assessment Capstone assessment
Pre/Post Testing Develop test to address course content – relate to CPC areas Develop test to address course content – relate to CPC areas Administration Administration –Embed within select course Introduction to sport management Introduction to sport management Capstone seminar Capstone seminar Set benchmarks for expected improvement Set benchmarks for expected improvement
Written & Oral Communication Assessment Written Format Format Mechanics Mechanics Grammar Grammar Content Content Organization Organization Style Style Oral Communication Use of technology Use of technology Presentation design Presentation design Speaks clearly Speaks clearly Enthusiasm Enthusiasm Stays on topic Stays on topic Content Content Professional Image Professional Image
College Goals Program Learning Outcome BenchmarkMeasurement Tool Communicate effectively both orally and written. Comprehension and application of professional written and oral communication skills. 80% of the students will meet defined proficiency standards in writing skills using the writing rubric 80% of the students will meet defined proficiency standards in presentation skills using the presentation rubric Written assignments in BU450 evaluated with Rubric Presentations in BUS 311 evaluated with Rubric
Capstone Assessment Capstone course measurements Capstone course measurements –Foundation courses used as a basis for instrument development Internship Portfolio Internship Portfolio Case study Case study
Case Assessment - Selection & Question Development Direct Measure – link to specific outcome Direct Measure – link to specific outcome Define clear purpose Define clear purpose –What are you trying to measure? –Broad range of outcomes vs. specific areas Issues to consider Issues to consider –Is the case comprehensive enough to address all areas being assessed –Case selection for graduate and undergraduate programs
Case Selection & Question Development (cont.) Select Specific Learning Outcome Select Specific Learning Outcome –Demonstrate knowledge of the fundamental principles of the sport management field. Cases and questions developed to address this outcome Cases and questions developed to address this outcome Questions tested, reviewed and refined Questions tested, reviewed and refined
Development Of Evaluation Rubric Rubric development Rubric development –Analysis of core sport management content areas and relevancy of measurement through selected case –Evaluation criteria and weightings agreed upon Grading consistency Grading consistency –Training
Indirect Measures Indirect Measures: Indirect evidence of student learning outcomes (asking versus demonstrating) Examples: Internship evaluations Internship evaluations National or program-specific student satisfaction surveys - NSSE National or program-specific student satisfaction surveys - NSSE Student SWOT analysis Student SWOT analysis Alumni survey Alumni survey
Basic Skills Development Prepare a statement on the “Basic Skills” development program at your institution Prepare a statement on the “Basic Skills” development program at your institution Describe how this is administered within the sport management dept. Describe how this is administered within the sport management dept. –Programs to help students with writing deficiencies –Tutoring services
Personal Development of Students Prepare a statement on the “Personal Development” of students at your institution Prepare a statement on the “Personal Development” of students at your institution Describe how this is administered within your academic unit Describe how this is administered within your academic unit –Special programs focused on personal development – student leadership –First year seminar
Measuring Program Effectiveness Explain how you will measure the effectiveness of your sport management program Explain how you will measure the effectiveness of your sport management program –Accomplishment of goals and objectives in the strategic plan –Retention data –Graduation rates –Teaching evaluations –SWOT
Final Step – Action Plans College Goals Student Learning Outcomes BenchmarkMeasurement Tool ResultsAction Plan Communicat e effectively both orally and written. Comprehension and application of professional written and oral communication business skills. 80% of the students meet proficiency standards in writing - measured using writing rubric Written assignments in BU210 and BU % of the student in BU210 & BU404 met the standard Continue to record scores for writing evaluation the these two courses. Discuss the possibility of a standardized test in the core courses to meet this competency
Problem Areas Direct measures – linking measure to specific outcome Direct measures – linking measure to specific outcome Rubric development & data collection Rubric development & data collection –Go beyond use course grades Role of teaching evaluations Role of teaching evaluations
Useful Resources ics.htm ics.htm ssessment/ksom/ ssessment/ksom/