What is a Rubric?
Components of a Rubric a performance statement a table – a list of dimensions to be evaluated – levels of gradation of quality – criterion and points for each level of quality
Example of a Rubric
Purpose of Rubrics Students can understand the expectations for performance. Students can evaluate the quality of their own work. Students can identify the specific of qualities of performance. i.e. it helps the student answer the question ‘why did I get a point taken off?’ Teachers improve the consistency and objectivity (standardization) of grading If more than one person is evaluating the performance. Teachers can reduce the time it takes to grade.
Step 1: Identify the performance statement. The baker will be able to create a winning chocolate chip cookie by sampling different cookies and analyzing the qualities. The baker will be able to create a desirable chocolate chip cookie by creating a recipe for baking a chocolate chip cookie.
Step 2: Identify the dimensions. What does it mean to be “winning?” What are the qualities of a chocolate chip cookie that make it a winner? List the qualities (dimensions) of a chocolate chip cookie.
Eating a cookie is a multi-sensory experience. Qualities relate to... Seeing Tasting Smelling Hearing Feeling - Touching
Step 3: Assign levels of gradation of quality and point values. (4) Target (high quality) (3) Acceptable (2) Developing (1) Unacceptable
Step 4: Create criterion in cells for each level of gradation. DIMENSIONSTarget (4) Acceptable (3) Developing (2) Unaccep- table (1) Notes Comments Dimension 1 Dimension 2 Dimension 3 Dimension 4 Dimension 5
Language of Levels of Graduation Target, Acceptable, Developing, Unacceptable All, Most, Some, None Excellent, Good, Average, Below Average 100%, 90%, 80%, 70% 4 of 4, 3 of 4, 2 of 4, 1 of 4 Entirely, Mostly, Moderately, Not at all High, Above Average, Average, Below Average
DIMENSIONCOOKIE 1COOKIE 2COOKIE 3COOKIE 4 Taste3421 Appearance2314 Texture3342 TOTAL81077 Which cookie is most desirable? Use the rubric to score each cookie.
References Rubric Tutorial 2/default.htm 2/default.htm Kathy Shrock’s Discovery Education Assessment and Rubric Informationhttp://school.discoveryeducation. com/schrockguide/assess.htmlhttp://school.discoveryeducation. com/schrockguide/assess.html