BRIEFING 1: FYP INTRODUCTION ERT 445 – FINAL YEAR PROJECT 1 BRIEFING 1: FYP INTRODUCTION Munira Bt Mohamed Nazari School of Bioprocess Engineering Universiti Malaysia Perlis
CONTENTS OF BRIEFING Introduction Course Outline FYP Characteristics and Time Allocation FYP Evaluation Responsibility of Students & Supervisors. General Advice Log Book Guideline Semester 2013/2014
INTRODUCTION Student views on final year project Nightmare!!! Blur/confused….. Too time consuming~~ Don’t worry… Focus!! & Try the best!! Semester 2013/2014
What is the Final Year Project ? FYP is an academic but structured research activity germane to the School of Bioprocess Engineering’s area of specialization and it is COMPULSORY for final year students to undertake and complete a project as part of the requirement for the conferment of the bachelor’s degree in engineering . The Final Year Project (FYP) consists of an individual piece of work of 15,000-20,000 words in length, on a subject of the student’s own choosing. Semester 2013/2014
AIM The main aim of the FYP is to expose and to enhance student’s knowledge and competency in solving a problem through academic research in order to produce competent engineers/ technologists in the 21st century in line with UniMAP’s Mission and Vision. OBJECTIVES After completing the FYP, students are required to show the ability to: modulate and utilize academic knowledge and practical experience in conducting an academic project think objectively, analytically and critically in identifying and solving problems in a systematic manner work independently in conducting and completing an academic project present the final results orally and graphically Semester 2013/2014
Why is it important ? FYP is an important course in higher education & professional development and a major component of EAC curriculum requirement. FYP is consistent with KPT mission to produce thinking engineers that are able to conduct research with creativity and innovative. FYP is one of the culminating course that been evaluate by the EAC the know the ability of the students before graduation. Semester 2013/2014
Why is it important ? Indicates your abilities to select, research and then present a substantial piece of work that displays your intellectual abilities to the full. A well-written project is a useful document to display to a potential employer when you enter the labour market. In any case, the skills that you will have deployed are particularly useful should you wish to undertake work for a higher degree at Masters or at PhD level. Moreover, the fact that you have researched and organised a substantial piece of work is a skill that you will be asked to deploy on many occasions in whichever career you choose to enter. You will have learnt to ‘project manage’ a substantial piece of work and learn the techniques associated with writing and assembling a large document and these skills will assist you when it comes to similar ventures in the future. Semester 2013/2014
INTRODUCTION COURSE OUTCOMES (CO’S) PO 6 & PO 11 PO 2 PO 1 PO 10 Ability to synthesize information including standards, code of practice, journals, policies, field data, etc, relevant to the specific research to be undertaken and relate with societal and global issues. CO 2 Ability to analyze scenario and compose the problem statements and the research objectives of the project. CO 3 Ability to formulate research methodology incorporating clear fundamentals, theories and benchmarked against standard practices governing the research project. CO 4 Ability to prepare and defend research proposal with effective communication skills. PO 2 PO 1 PO 10 Semester 2013/2014
CHARACTERISTICS OF FINAL YEAR PROJECTS Year 4, semester 7 & 8 – 14 weeks (full time). Sem 7 (2 credits) – Proposal report & Proposal Defence Sem 8 (4 credits) – Full FYP Report & Viva Voce FYP 2- Final Thesis SEM 8 FYP 1- Proposal Introduction Literature review Methodology Results and Analysis Discussion Conclusion SEM 7 Introduction Literature review Methodology Semester 2013/2014
CHARACTERISTICS OF FINAL YEAR PROJECTS Enhance professional skills: time management, ability to do research, acquire laboratory skills acquire/exercise theoretical knowledge, working as part of a team, verbal/written communication, problem solving skills, data handling, self discipline, independent working, organization and planning skills, ‘real’ world experience, critical thought, presentation of written work to required format. Semester 2013/2014
TIME ALLOCATION FOR FYP 1 Seminar/ briefing/ workshop [1 hr per week for 14 weeks (Total = 14 hrs)] Activities related final year project including meeting with Supervisor, literature review and proposal preparation [5 hr per week for 14 weeks (Total = 70 hrs)] Health Warning: Your project is a degree requirement and is worth a lot of your degree = 6 hrs per week STARTING NOW! Semester 2013/2014
FYP MARK DISTRIBUTION No Evaluator Component % Total % 1 Supervisor Problem statement & Research objective report 15 50 Literature review report 20 Methodology report 2 Internal examiner Proposal report 40 Proposal presentation 3 Coordinator Log book 10 TOTAL 100 Semester 2013/2014
Programme Outcome (PO) METHOD OF ASSESSMENT Course Outcome (CO) Programme Outcome (PO) Method of Assessment CO1: Ability to synthesize information including standards, code of practice, journals, policies, field data, etc, relevant to the specific research to be undertaken and relate with societal and global issues. PO 6 (Understanding of the social, cultural, global and environmental responsibilities of a professional engineer) PO 11 (Recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning.) Rubric for literature review report CO2: Ability to analyze scenario and compose the problem statements and the research objectives of the project. PO 2 (Ability to identify, formulate and solve complex engineering problems.) Rubric for problem statement and research objective report CO3: Ability to formulate research methodology incorporating clear fundamentals, theories and benchmarked against standard practices governing the research project. PO 1 (Ability to acquire and apply knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering and in-depth technical competence in bioprocess/chemical engineering discipline to the solution of complex engineering problem.) Rubric for methodology report CO4: Ability to prepare and defend research proposal with effective communication skills. PO 10 (Ability to communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large.) Rubric for proposal report and proposal presentation Semester 2013/2014
RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE STUDENT To agree on a schedule of meetings with the supervisor and to attend such meetings. To take the initiative in raising problems. To maintain the progress of the work in accordance with the milestones and objectives agreed with the supervisor. To contribute to plan the project and monitoring progress against the plan. Semester 2013/2014
RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE STUDENT To keep a project log for recording results, ideas, references etc. acquired as the project progresses. To determine the contents of the report and of oral presentations. To present draft chapters to the supervisor before the sem. end. Semester 2013/2014
RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE SUPERVISOR To give guidance about the nature of the project and the standard expected, the planning of the project, literature and sources, techniques and methods and about any problems of plagiarism. To maintain contact via regular supervision meetings. To be accessible within reason at other times for giving advice to the student. To give detailed advice on milestones. Semester 2013/2014
RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE SUPERVISOR To request written work as appropriate and return such work with constructive criticism within a reasonable time. To ensure that a student is made aware of any inadequacy of progress, or of standards of work below those expected. To encourage the student to produce early draft chapters, to comment on them critically and return the comments promptly. If the student does not do so, this is the student's responsibility. Semester 2013/2014
THINGS TO DO FROM NOW Understand the objectives of your project. Prepare a Gantt chart. Prepare an outline of the content of your thesis. Get the materials i.e. books or relevant literatures as much as possible from now. Keep in touch & clear doubts via email with your supervisors. Read a journal a day and summaries it. Keep Log Book - Keep all your works (research, design, experimental result, … etc) Bring along to meet supervisor. Semester 2013/2014
GENERAL ADVICE Start early. Put in enough work. If you do not do enough, you will fail. Do not leave to the last moment – try writing a little each day. Do not spend the whole of the time on your project at the expense of your revision for other subjects. Semester 2013/2014
GENERAL ADVICE Meet with your supervisor to discuss and share information with your supervisor in writing and producing the best research. Make sure you check your proposal with supervisor at least twice before submit to the FYP Coordinator. Please follow the guidelines set by the university and school in implementing your FYP. Check the portal to get the latest information. Semester 2013/2014
GANTT CHART (EXAMPLE) SEMESTER Ι 2012/2013 SEMESTER ΙΙ Month SEMESTER Ι 2012/2013 SEMESTER ΙΙ Month Activities Sept Oct Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb March April May June Introduction & Briefing about FYP Proposal Preparation Proposal Submission & Pre Viva Correction on the Proposal Field Work Data Collecting Analysis Discussion based on Data Finding Conclusion & Submission Of Thesis Viva Voce Preparation Thesis Correction & Submission of the final thesis Semester 2013/2014
And finally…. Any questions? Semester 2013/2014
dan semoga dapat melaksanakan projek tahun akhir dengan mudah. THANK YOU Wish you all the best, Aware about your safety and other’s, Work Hard, Be Punctual, Be productive, Be Polite, Be enthusiastic and have a pleasant FYP journey ahead… SELAMAT MAJU JAYA!!! dan semoga dapat melaksanakan projek tahun akhir dengan mudah. Semester 2013/2014