DO NOW: Look over the Oral Presentation Rubric and write down on the back of your handout any questions you might have about what you have to do.
Student demonstrates the ability to speak about choice of fonts used in logo. Student demonstrates the ability to speak about choice of images and symbols used in logo. Student demonstrates the ability to speak about choice of color and how it helps the viewer understand the logo’s purpose. Student demonstrates the ability to speak about choice layout of the logo.
Expectations during other presentations Student takes notes during other presentations, asks good questions, and is respectful during other students’ presentations. I will collect notes on Friday November 8 th from all days of presentations. This is part of your oral presentation grade
Sign up Sheet We will present in order of the sign up sheet. You are expected to present for 5 minutes and then answer questions for about 5 minutes. We will have as many people present as possible in a day. We should be able to have 5 presentations a day if we keep things on schedule.