Portfolio Expectations Expectation 2 – Literacy Response to Literature Narrative Reflective Narrative Narrative Procedure Narrative Account Argument Essay Oral Presentation Response to Informational Text
Response to Lit, Narrative (Reflective Narrative, Narrative Account, Narrative Procedure), Argument Must utilize proper MLA formatting Rubric grade of 80 or higher Distinction – Rubric grade of 90 or higher Revisions must be made and work resubmitted Within one month of receipt of the initial grade (unless less than one month remains in the school year) During the after school portfolio remediation
What If I Missed My Opportunity? Prior to this point you should always be revising to avoid issue Each piece will incorporate multiple opportunities. So if at first you don’t succeed, try, try again After school program If previous rubric included: revisions can be made If previous rubric NOT included: New essay assignment will be given as a senior
Oral Presentation Obtaining piece: Teacher dependent Deliver and include the rubric for an oral presentation Rubric grade of 80 or higher Distinction – Rubric grade of 90 or higher
Advice: The website below offers tutorial videos and advice. Access Eye contact Gestures Voice Quality Language
Response to Informational Text Include 5 Response to Informational Text pieces from any course Must include rubric and written response Distinction: 8 Response to Informational Text pieces