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Presentation transcript:


2 Training Objectives Evaluators will understand: the basic components of LSSC the rationale for including portfolios expected portfolio content portfolio evaluation process how to use LiveText to evaluate portfolios

3 Candidates Eligibility To be accepted as a candidate in the LSSC program, applicants must have: a minimum of a high school equivalency or a GED a minimum of one year experience as staff or volunteer in any kind of library

4 LSSC Program Requirements Must achieve six competency sets. three required three elective Have four years to complete Can achieve competency sets through taking an approved course developing and submitting a portfolio

5 Competency Sets Ten Competency sets Foundations of Library Service (required) Technology (required) Communication and Teamwork Access Services (elective) Adult Readers’ Advisory (elective) Cataloging and Classification (elective) Collection Management (elective) Reference and Information Services (elective) Supervision and Management (elective) Youth Services (elective)

6 Portfolio as a Demonstration Of Learning Assessment of prior learning is recognized as a legitimate way to award credit in institutions of higher education, equal to a course Portfolio is one option for demonstrating prior learning Assessment is of learning gained through experience gained through self-directed activities

7 LSSC Program Portfolio Basics Candidates : Must submit all portfolio work online Must address each competency in a competency set and prepare a Personal Learning Statement Can design their own way to document their knowledge and experience Candidates can use Portfolio Development Suggestions (PDS)

Personal Learning Statement The statement is: The importance of the competency set to your work A summary of your skills and knowledge No more than 3 single-spaced pages 8

9 Portfolio Development Suggestions Two-to-four PDS per competency developed by staff Candidates may choose one PDS to complete and demonstrate their competency Candidates will indicate if their documentation is based on a PDS

Two PDS Examples Compare and contrast What is alike? What is different? Content and reflection What was the content of the article? What did you think about the article? 10

11 Content and Reflection Foundation Competency 1: The mission and roles of a library in its community and the mission of libraries in general. 1.1 Research what should be in a mission statement and then review mission statements from two different types of libraries. Compare and contrast and evaluate those statements. How would you change these mission statements based on your research?

Descriptive and Evaluative Collection Management Competency 2: The general purpose of collection management in libraries. 2.1 Prepare a bibliography of five articles and, with brief notations, identify basic principles and trends in collection management. Your notations should be both descriptive and evaluative. Write a one-page essay about one new direction or trend in collection management. 12

13 Role of Evaluators Assess whether candidate has met the competencies in the portfolio. Don’t be a perfectionist. Provide specific feedback on additional work to be done If the work fulfills the PDS but not the competency, let us know, don’t blame the candidate.

14 The Rubric There will be a rubric for each competency in a competency set. You will have three choices: 1. the candidate fully meets the competency 2. the candidate partially meets the competency what additional work needs to be done? 3. the candidate does not meet the competency what additional work needs to be done?

15 Rubric for Technology: Competency 1 Met The candidate provides sufficient evidence that he/she understands general trends and developments of appropriate technology in all library functions and services, whether offered in the library or through remote access. Partially Met The candidate provides partial evidence that he/she understands general trends and developments of appropriate technology in all library functions and services, whether offered in the library or through remote access. Not Met The candidate does not provide evidence that he/she understands general trends and developments of appropriate technology in all library functions and services, whether offered in the library or through remote access.

16 How The Process Will Work Every portfolio will be evaluated independently by two people using the rubric. The candidate will not see your comments on the rubric. LSSC staff communicate with the candidate The competency is considered met if: Both evaluators rate it as met One evaluator rates as met and the other as partially met

More work may be required if: Both evaluators rate the competency as partially met or below The candidate may be asked to provide additional information. 17

18 Evaluation Criteria and Process Candidates must fully meet 70% of the competencies 30% of competencies can be partially met Evaluators should be specific about what additional information or work is needed to provide evidence that a competency is met Candidates may submit additional information for partially or not met competencies only one time

19 Portfolio Content Can Be… Original work Work based on Portfolio Development Suggestions

20 Two Types of Evidence Primary evidence Examples of actual work Narratives (no more than 3 pages) Reports and plans Power point presentations Exhibits photos Book lists and brochures Video record (limited to 5 minutes) Audio record Formal classroom projects

21 Two Types of Evidence Secondary evidence What others say about a candidate References Letters of recommendation or commendation Personal evaluations Description of accomplishments Evidence of employment Citations, certificates of workshops completed Resume

22 Primary Trumps Secondary Primary evidence is the meat, secondary evidence the gravy Primary evidence shows what the candidate really KNOWS Secondary shows only what OTHERS think of the candidate Secondary evidence alone is NEVER enough



Sign in with your name and password 25

You will be taken to your Dashboard It will say “Active Reviews” It will include: The portfolio submission for the candidate 26

This is what your Review Page will look like 27 This will not be on your screen. It’s my other LiveText documents

Click on Copy of Candidate’s Name, Cataloging and Classification 28

This is the opening screen. Click on the next to Cataloging 29

This will reveal her work on the competencies. Click on # 1 30

This is her work on competency 1. Click on the attachments 31

To assess the rubric, click once on Assess Document 32

33 Click the button for the Rubric you would like to use while assessing the portfolio. In this case, it would be the Cataloging and Classification. The click the select button

34 If you would like to “undock” the rubric so that is more like a floating window you can move around the screen, click the “undock” button.

35 As you can see, the rubric is now its own movable window, allowing you to view both the portfolio and rubric at the same time.

Your assessment The rubrics are the same as the competency with the options of: Met Partially met Not met Read the documentation and decide in which category the candidate rates on that competency. 36

Your Assessment If “partially met” or “not met” please indicate your reasons and what the candidate would have to do to make the work acceptable. This is how you do this: Click on the down arrow in the box Choose your rating Click on add comment Write your comment Save your comment for each competency 37

Rate each competency in the box to the right. 38

Click the comment button if you wish to make a comment 39

Type your comment and click save 40

Add your summary assessment here at the bottom of the page. 41

At the bottom of the page, click choose and practice PRACTICE IN ORDER FOR IT TO SAVE?? 42

Saving and submitting At the bottom of the page you can choose between “save” and “save and submit.” If you choose “save,” it stays in your account and you can go back and finish or review. If you choose “save and submit,” it means your are finished and your assessment goes back to the LSSC office. 43


Finishing the process If there is not enough agreement that the candidate has achieved the competency set, we will schedule a conference call. We will decide collectively what additional information is required from the candidate. LSSC will ask for this information and send it to you for further review. 45