Mentoring/Assessing & Scoring the edTPA Mara Manson Ed.D September 20, 2013
Teacher educators from programs that participate in edTPA Other qualified teacher education faculty Clinical supervisors of student teachers K-12 teachers, administrators, and National Board Certified Teachers. All scorers are recruited and selected because of their extensive experience with teacher candidates and superior content knowledge Who Scores the edTPA © SCALE 2012
edTPA Scorer Trainin g Pearson © SCALE 2012
What is the role of University/College Supervisors in mentoring Teacher Candidate’s to successfully complete the edTPA? What is the role of University/College Faculty members in preparing Teacher Candidates to be successful when completing the edTPA? Care to Share
© SCALE 2012
Handbook Evaluation Rubrics Teacher Candidate edTPA work sample Materials © SCALE 2012 edTPA
As a group Overview of each rubric Strategies for navigating task & gathering evidence Individually ReadGather evidence map evidence to rubric As a table Discuss to come to agreement As a group share Today’s Agenda © SCALE 2012 edTPA
Rubric progression Expanding repertoire of skills & strategies Deepening of rationale and reflection Not ReadyProficient NoviceHighly Accomplished Beginner 15 Teacher Focus Student Focus Whole Class Individuals/ Flex. Groups Integrated, Intentional & Well Executed Fragmented, Indiscriminate © SCALE 2012 edTPA
Read the Context for Learning. Evaluate Task 1 (Planning) completely, then move on to 2 Evaluate Task 2 (Instruction) completely (consulting Task 1 evidence as needed) Evaluate Task 3 (Assessment) completely (consulting Tasks 1 & 2 evidence as needed) Task by Task Overview © SCALE 2012 edTPA
What to do Select one class as a focus Provide relevant context information Identify a learning segment (3-5 consecutive lessons) Identify a central focus in the learning domains (psychomotor, cognitive, affective Write and submit a lesson plan for each lesson in the learning segment Select and submit key instructional materials As part of the commentary, choose one language function to analyze physical education language demands and identify a learning task where students use that language function. Identify both the language that students will be expected to use to engage in the learning task Submit all copies of assessments for the learning segment prior to teaching the learning segment Task 1 - Planning Rubrics 1-5 © 2013 Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University
Obtain required permission for video recording Identify lessons from the learning segment you planned in Task 1 to videorecord Select 3 focus students that represent the range of psychomotor competencies. At least one student must be a student with learning needs Videorecord your teaching a select 1 or 2 clips (totaling no more than 20 minutes) Analyze your teaching in the clips and respond to the commentary Task 2 - Instruction Rubrics 6-10 © 2013 Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University
Select one formal-based assessment from the learning segment Define and submit the evaluation criteria you will use to analyze student learning Review whole class results from the selected assessment to identify quantitative and qualitative patterns Summarize the learning of the whole class using documented student data. Use video clips of the 3 focus students to illustrate patterns of student learning Submit feedback on the assessment for the 3 focus students in written, audio or video form Analyze evidence of students’ language use from video clips from the instructional task, an additional video clip of one or more students using language within the learning segment, and/or student work samples and assessment data from the assessment task Analyze your assessment of student learning and plan for next steps in the commentary Task 3 – Assessing Student Learning Rubrics 11-15
Task 1 Rubrics 1-5 Task 2 Rubrics 6-10 Task 3 Rubrics CARE TO SHARE
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