COMMON CORE STANDARDS (CCT) TEAM: Teacher Education and Mentoring Program
COMMON CORE STANDARDS (CCT) The Common Core State Standards provide a consistent, clear understanding of what students are expected to learn, so teachers and parents know what they need to do to help them.---
COMMON CORE STANDARDS (CCT) Teaching requires more than simply demonstrating a certain set of technical skills. It requires command of subject matter and pedagogical skills combined with caring deeply about students and their successes. --TEAM
PERFORMANCE PROFILE (CCT INDICATORS) Evidence based strategies Explicit Differentiated instruction Technological and digital resources
PLANNING FOR ACTIVE LEARNING Teachers implement instruction in order to engage students in rigorous and relevant learning and to promote their curiosity about the world at large.— TEAM Workshop
CONTINUUM OF EFFECTIVE TEACHING The Hierarchy Beginning Emerging Applying Exemplary
DESIGNING STUDENT PROJECTS PLANNING Step One: Determine the purpose Step Two: Determine the vehicle Step Three: Focus on main criteria Step Four: Write the rubric Step Five: Complete the project yourself Step Six: Collaborate with …… Step Seven: Refine & revise as necessary Step Eight: Determine time requirements and assign the project
WHAT IS A RUBRIC? A rubric is a scoring guide that describes the requirements for various levels of proficiency when students respond to a learning task, open- ended question, or stated criteria. The purpose is to answer the question, "What are the conditions of success and to what degree are those conditions met by the student involved in the task?" Thus, a rubric enables teachers to clarify to students what is expected in a learning experience and what to do to reach higher levels of achievement. "Effective Practices for Gifted Educaton in Kansas", Kansas State Deparment of Education. 2008
EFFECTIVE RUBRICS Are shared with students prior to beginning the task so that they understand teacher expectations Provide more information than just a checklist of skills & attributes Encourage self-reflection and growth on the student’s part Help teachers grade student work more fairly Enable students and teachers to accurately and consistently identify competencies Reflect the most significant elements related to successful completion of the learning task
CREATING AN EFFECTIVE RUBRIC PLANNING/ COLLABORATING Write down all your major criteria Determine what would constitute an exemplary submission for each criterion & what you would accept for applying, emerging, and beginning submissions Write out descriptors using concise and clear language Use a rubric creator to design your rubric Or………
CREATING AN EFFECTIVE RUBRIC PART TWO….. Google rubrics for your project & topic Select components from each rubric that match your criteria and teaching style Mash it up! Use a rubric creator to create your own rubric
RUBRIC CREATORS & RESOURCES RubiStar - The Rubric Machine - project.com/rubric_builder/index.phphttp://landmark- project.com/rubric_builder/index.php iRubric - Kathy Schrock - e/assess.html e/assess.html