Understanding the Essay and Rubric STAAR Essay Scoring Understanding the Essay and Rubric
Today’s Agenda TEA Scoring Guide Review Practice Discussion 3 Rounds of Expository Scoring 3 Rounds of Literary / Persuasive Scoring Discussion
Adjacent Scoring Reader 1 Reader 2 Score Description Nonscorable 1 2 Nonscorable 1 2 Very Limited 3 Between Very Limited and Basic 4 Basic 5 Between Basic and Satisfactory 6 Satisfactory 7 Between Satisfactory and Accomplished 8 Accomplished Readers scores must be adjacent for scoring to occur. Otherwise, it goes to the table leader. Difficult papers go to TEA staff for decision.
Expository Prompt – 7th Grade
Expository Prompt – English I
Expository Rubric – Score 1
Expository Rubric – Score 1
Expository Rubric – Score 1
Expository Rubric – Score 2
Expository Rubric – Score 2
Expository Rubric – Score 2
Expository Rubric – Score 3
Expository Rubric – Score 3
Expository Rubric – Score 3
Expository Rubric – Score 4
Expository Rubric – Score 4
Expository Rubric – Score 4
Expository Scoring Essay 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Set A 2 4 1 3 Set B 2 4 Set C 1 3 2 4
Expository Prompt List Write an essay explaining whether it is better to work by yourself or with a group. Write an essay explaining if it is every okay to break the rules. Write an essay explaining the importance of never giving up. Writing an essay explaining whether people should be more concerned about others than about themselves. Write an essay explaining the effect of one new technology on people’s lives. Write an essay explaining why it is sometimes necessary to take a chance. Write an essay explaining whether a person must always be acknowledged in order to have accomplished something.
Narrative Prompt – 7th Grade
Persuasive Prompt – English II
Narrative / Persuasive Rubric Categories Organization / Progression Development of Ideas Use of Language / Conventions Review the rubric indicators for Score 1-4. Compare the narrative or persuasive rubric to the expository rubric and discuss their similarities and differences at your table.
Literary / Persuasive Scoring Essay 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Set D 2 4 1 3 Set E 1 3 2 4 Set F 2 4 1 3
Narrative Prompt List Write a personal narrative about a time when you had to make a decision. Write a personal narrative about a time when you had to change your plans because something unexpected happened. Write a personal narrative about a time when you had fun participating in an activity with other people. Write a story about the power of imagination. Write a story about a challenging adventure. The adventure may be real or imagined. Write a story about taking care of something or someone.
Persuasive Prompt List Write an essay stating your position on which is more important: what a person thinks or what a person does. Write an essay stating your opinion on which is more beneficial – spending time with others or spending time alone. Write an essay stating your position on whether you believe that we live in an information age or an interruption age.
Discussion All the packet sets (A-F) we have looked are from our students. What mistakes are our students typically making?
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