CYBER SUMMIT ON 21 ST CENTURY SKILLS: NC SUPERINTENDENT JUNE ATKINSON mmit+21st+century&aq=f mmit+21st+century&aq=f
20 th Century Education Model 21 st Century Skills Framework
21st Century Skills Framework
- English - Reading or Language Arts - Mathematics - Science - Foreign Languages - Civics - Government - Economics - Arts - History - Geography Core Subjects 21 st Century Skills Framework
Thinking and Learning Skills Critical Thinking & Problem Solving Skills Creativity & Innovation Skills Communication & Information Skills Collaboration Skills 21 st Century Skills Framework
ICT Literacy Information and communications technology (ICT) literacy is the ability to use technology to accomplish thinking and learning skills: Critical Thinking & Problem Solving Skills Creativity & Innovation Skills Communication & Information Skills Collaboration Skills 21 st Century Skills Framework
Life Skills Leadership Ethics Accountability Adaptability Personal Productivity Personal Responsibility People Skills Self Direction (e.g. Lawrence Township) Social Responsibility 21 st Century Skills Framework
21 st Century Content Global Awareness Financial, Economic, Business and Entrepreneurship Literacy Civic Literacy Health & Wellness Awareness 21 st Century Skills Framework
NC TEACHER STANDARDS AND EVALUATION INSTRUMENT Developed to meet the new demands of education and the 21 st century framework.
NC Standards for Teachers Standard 1: Teachers demonstrate leadership Standard 2: Teachers establish a respectful environment for a diverse population of students Standard 3: Teachers know the content they teach Standard 4: Teachers facilitate learning for their students Standard 5: Teachers reflect on their practice ument.pdf ument.pdf 11.pdf 11.pdf
The Rubric and Rating Scale Performance Descriptors Emergent - Candidate possesses limited or superficial knowledge and awareness of concepts associated with educational concepts Developing – Candidate has mastered important concepts and demonstrated the ability to apply these to concrete problems, but in contexts of limited complexity Proficient – Candidate has mastered important concepts and demonstrated the ability to apply these concepts consistently in real-world contexts – minimum performance level required to be recommended for licensure. Accomplished – Candidate possesses and demonstrates truly exemplary understanding, mastery, and consistent integration of relevant concepts and skills in their professional practice – continually evaluate their own performance, and actively seek ways to improve their performance. Source: North Carolina Teacher Candidate Evaluation Rubric
Performance Descriptors Not Demonstrated – Did not demonstrate competence on, or adequate growth toward, achieving standard(s) of performance [NOTE: If the “Not Demonstrated” rating is used, the evaluator must provide a comment about why it was used.] Source: North Carolina Teacher Candidate Evaluation Rubric
Definitions Artifacts – products used to demonstrate a teacher candidate’s performance or proficiency Formal Observation – an observation of a teacher’s performance for a minimum of 45 minutes or one complete lesson Performance Descriptor - discrete statements of specific competency that collectively reflect a performance level in the rubric Performance Element - a paragraph that describes in detail one constituent aspect of a performance standard. The rubric contains twenty-five performance elements. Performance Level - the label (e.g., Emergent Candidate, Developing Candidate, Proficient Candidate, Accomplished Candidate) applied to each of four categories used to rate a teacher candidate’s overall performance for a performance element in the rubric Performance Standard – statement reflecting a domain of professional practice against which educator performance is judged. The rubric contains five separate performance standards (emergent, developing, proficient, accomplished, and non-demonstrated). Summative – evaluation conducted at the end of the program that leads to a concluding judgment about performance Source: North Carolina Teacher Candidate Evaluation Rubric
Resources: NC Teacher Candidate Evaluation Rubric: candidate-rubric-as-approved-by-the-sbe.pdf candidate-rubric-as-approved-by-the-sbe.pdf NC 21 st Century Skills: article&id=123&Itemid=199 article&id=123&Itemid=199 NC Common Core and Essential Standards: Marzano’s Taxonomy: ills/Marzano.pdf ills/Marzano.pdf Revised Blooms’ Taxonomy: /Revised_Blooms_Info.pdf /Revised_Blooms_Info.pdf