2014-2015 Arizona Department of Education Alternate Assessment Unit Audra Ahumada, Director of Alternate Assessment AIMS A SCIENCE TRAINING SESSION 2.


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Presentation transcript:

Arizona Department of Education Alternate Assessment Unit Audra Ahumada, Director of Alternate Assessment AIMS A SCIENCE TRAINING SESSION 2

SESSION 2 During the Assessment Session 2

AIMS A SCIENCE TESTING TIMELINES TASKTIME FRAME Submit Password Request Form September – December 2014 Submit No Response Option FormDecember 2014 Enter Students/Complete Student Verification January 5 – January 31, 2015 Administer AIMS A February 15 – March 31, 2015 Submit Final Data CloseoutApril 1 – April 15, % Cap AppealsJune 2015 Receive Student ReportsJune 2015 Mail all forms to:

 Train anyone who will be administering AIMS A Science Assessment  Obtain signed 2015 Alternate Assessments Test Security Agreement (Test Administrators) from each Test Administrator  Inventory and Distribute AIMS A Science Test Materials  Coordinate AIMS A Science Assessment observations by External Educational Consultants  Monitor completion of assessments for eligible AIMS A Science students  Report any testing incidents to Alternate Assessment Unit ALTERNATE ASSESSMENT TEST COORDINATOR RESPONSIBILITIES

 Training must be completed prior to administering the AIMS A Science Assessment.  Training must include:  reviewing test security  logging into AIMS A Application  reviewing AIMS A Science item formats  preparing test materials (data sheets)  using AIMS A Science Performance Task Scoring Rubric TRAINING FOR TEST ADMINISTRATORS

TEST SECURITY AGREEMENT FOR TEST ADMINISTRATORS Upon completion of PEA training by the Alternate Assessment Test Coordinator, all Test Administrators must read and sign the 2015 Alternate Assessments Test Security Agreement (Test Administrator). Must be retained by the PEA for 6 years!

Receive test materials from ADE Count number of test materials received Report any discrepancies immediately End of testing window, return materials to Test Coordinator Alternate Assessment Test Coordinator will count number of test materials returned and report discrepancies to ADE  AIMS A Science Test materials must be inventoried! AIMS A SCIENCE TEST MATERIALS Alternate Assessment Test Coordinator must notify the Alternate Assessment Unit if a student was entered after January 31, 2015.


 The Alternate Assessment Unit will select PEAs at random to be observed by External Educational Consultants. EXTERNAL OBSERVATIONS The external consultants are providing feedback in the assessment process. Assessment monitoring is required to ensure test validity and reliability. State law authorizes monitoring and evaluation activities to determine the effectiveness of programs for meeting the educational needs of children with disabilities.

 Alternate Assessment Test Coordinators can monitor the completion of the assessment through the AIMS A Application using the Student Status Report. MONITORING Complete indicates that on the AIMS A Science Test both Performance Tasks and Multiple Choice Tasks have been completed.

Arizona Department of Education Website ACCESSING AIMS A APPLICATION



 Students in grades 4, 8, and 10*are given the AIMS A Science Test  The AIMS A Science Format - Multiple Choice and Performance Tasks  All sections must be completed during the testing window FEBRUARY 15 - MARCH 31, 2015  ALL testing must be completed during school hours ADMINISTERING THE AIMS A SCIENCE TEST (*Grade 10 or second year of high school)

 The Multiple Choice questions are administered online and consist of a question and three answer choices. AIMS A SCIENCE TEST FORMAT MULTIPLE CHOICE  Test Administrators will receive test materials in a set (not for each individual student).

AIMS A SCIENCE TEST FORMAT PERFORMANCE TASK  The Performance Task questions are administered face to face with a student, and have question prompts and answer card choices scored with a rubric.  Test Administrators will receive test materials in a set (not for each individual student).

DATA SHEETS AND SCORING RUBRIC  The Data Sheets with the performance task question prompt are located on the AIMS A homepage.  The Data Sheets and Scoring Rubric should be downloaded and printed prior to administering the AIMS A Science Assessment.  The Test Administrator will download the Data Sheets for all their eligible students Store the sheets securely during the assessment. Once the Test Administrator has entered the results in the AIMS A Application, the Data Sheets should be securely stored by the PEA. Data Sheets should not be returned to ADE. Store the sheets securely during the assessment. Once the Test Administrator has entered the results in the AIMS A Application, the Data Sheets should be securely stored by the PEA. Data Sheets should not be returned to ADE.

PERFORMANCE TASK SCORING RUBRIC Test Administrators will use this scoring rubric for the Performance Tasks. Test Administrators will use this scoring rubric for the Performance Tasks.

 The Test Administrator (teacher) must complete a Learner Characteristics Inventory Survey for each student participating in AIMS A Science Assessment.  To access the AIMS A Science Assessment, the Test Administrator will click on the student’s SAIS ID. NAVIGATING TO THE TEST The survey will automatically pop up once the Test Administrator selects the AIMS A Science Assessment for the student.


STUDENT ASSESSMENT  The Assessments a student has been assigned will show here.  Once the test is complete, the word “complete” in green print will display in the Status column. The Test Administrator will also input the results from the data sheets here! Test Administrators can view the multiple choice questions by clicking here. Verify the grade is correct. If there is an error, DO NOT CONTINUE, contact Alternate Assessment Unit.

 The AIMS A Science testing window will close on March 31,  Test Administrators will no longer have access to the AIMS A Application after March 31,  If a time extension has been requested and approved, the Alternate Assessment Test Coordinator will have to complete testing with the student. AIMS A SCIENCE TEST WINDOW

Audra Ahumada Director of Alternate Assessment Audra Ahumada Director of Alternate Assessment ALTERNATE ASSESSMENT CONTACT INFORMATION Cynthia Roller Alternate Assessment Coordinator Cynthia Roller Alternate Assessment Coordinator Inventory AIMS A Science test materials. 2. Locate Return Postage Paid Label (for returning test materials to ADE). 1. Inventory AIMS A Science test materials. 2. Locate Return Postage Paid Label (for returning test materials to ADE). Angeles Swasey Program Project Specialist Angeles Swasey Program Project Specialist

NEXT STEPS Before the Assessment Session 1 During the Assessment Session 2 During the Assessment Session 3 Session 1- COMPLETE Session 2- COMPLETE Session 3- Complete by December 2014 SURVEY