Iowa State Board of Education Annual Retreat June 4-5, 2013 Update on the Status of the State Board’s Priorities Reducing the Achievement Gap Michelle Hosp
Overview 1. Collaboration for Iowa’s Kids 2. Identify Universal Screening and Progress Monitoring Tools (PreK- 6) in Reading 3. Build an RtI Data System for schools and districts 4. Build tools to assist schools in determining why reading instruction is not sufficient 5. Identify evidence-based standard treatment protocol for struggling readers
Collaboration for Iowa’s Kids (C4K) INTENT –To work more effectively and efficiently as a full educational system to accomplish a few agreed upon priorities. GOAL –All learners will be proficient in reading by the end of 3 rd grade across subgroups.
Purpose of Work Teams Priority areas: ▫Standards and Curriculum ▫Educator Quality ▫Response to Intervention ▫School Improvement
Definitions: Universal Screening & Progress Monitoring Assessments Universal Screening Assessments: are administered to ALL students to identify which students are at-risk for failure on a meaningful outcome measure. Progress Monitoring Assessments: are administered to only those students who are receiving additional instruction beyond Universal to determine if they are benefiting from that instruction. 5
Questions that can be answered with Universal Screening Data Is Universal instruction meeting the needs of the majority of our students? At the beginning of 1 st grade which students are at-risk for not being proficient in reading by the end of 1 st grade on a meaningful outcome measure? 6
Questions that can be answered with Progress Monitoring Data Is this student responding positively to the reading intervention they are receiving? Is this student learning at a rate that will ensure they will reach their goal (i.e., close the gap)? 7
Universal Screening and Progress Monitoring for K- 6 FAST: Formative Assessment System for Teachers Out of the University of Minnesota Developer is Dr. Ted Christ FAST includes a suite of assessments: earlyReading CBMReading aReading 8
3/27/ Collaborating for Kids
10 Last word marked Summary statistics FAST:
Online Administration Computer administered and scored. 11 FAST: Measure of broad reading achievement (K to 5 th ) Screening (Fall, Winter, Spring) 6 to 15 min per student
Universal Screening and Progress Monitoring for 4 year olds IGDIs: Individual Growth and Development Indicators Out of the University of Minnesota and Early Learning Labs Inc. Developer is Dr. Scott McConnell Direct Measures of Early Literacy Construct: ▫First Sounds ▫Picture Naming ▫Rhyming ▫Sound Identification ▫Which one doesn’t belong 12
IGDIs First Sound Which one starts with the /t/ sound? 13
IGDIs Picture Naming Do you know what this is? 14
TIES- IOWA’s RtI Data System TIES: Technology and Information Educational Services Out of Minnesota ▫supported through an education cooperative in the state similar to our AEA system TIES will house and work seamlessly with FAST and IGDIs assessments 15
Key Features of the RtI Data System Accepts and displays universal screening and progress monitoring data Supports tracking individual student and group interventions ▫Has a scheduler to assist with that Provides secure access to data at all levels – teacher, building, district, AEA, state Provide real-time on-line collaboration with users across the state 16
Introductory Video to the RtI Data System Iowa Department of Education 17
Examining Instruction at Universal Level If <80% students are proficient on the Universal Screening Assessment: ▫How much time is spent on English Language Arts? ▫What skills are being taught? ▫What instructional materials and interventions are being used? ▫What assessments are being used? ▫What is the focus of professional development?
Standard Treatment Protocol Students who are at-risk on the universal screener will receive a standard treatment intervention. The scope of this work is: ▫Convene national experts to provide a review of the literature ▫Define how Iowa will use a Standard Treatment Protocol ▫Conduct a Request for Information ▫Share results with field