Quality Enhancement Plan: Year Four Implementation
About Motlow’s QEP The goal of Motlow's QEP is to improve student learning through culturally diverse perspectives to prepare students for success in a global society. Campus-wide support is needed to make our QEP a success.
QEP Progress to Date Since fall Piloted in five courses using control groups and pre/post-test method Only one pilot course showed substantial difference in knowledge and attitude change toward other cultures
QEP Progress to Date CCSSE Item CCSSE MeanMSCC Mean Had serious conversations with students of a different race or ethnicity other than your own Had serious conversations with students who differ from you in terms of their religious beliefs, political opinions, or personal values Encouraging contact among students from different economic, social, and racial or ethnic backgrounds Understanding people of other racial and ethnic backgrounds
QEP Progress to Date CCSSE Add-on Items MSCC Mean 2008 MSCC Mean 2009 MSCC Mean 2010 How much has your experience at this college contributed to your knowledge of cultures other than your own? How much has your experience at this college contributed to your comprehension of how international events and the peoples of other cultures impact your chosen major and future occupation? How much has your experience at this college given you an awareness and understanding of the interdependency and consequences of international events and issues?
Improvements Beginning Fall 2011 Accelerated schedule of courses will internationalize 25% of courses by 2015 and include internationalized courses in every academic department Assessment of student learning outcomes in international modules will now be accomplished through the use of common grading rubrics aligned with QEP learning outcomes
Improvements Beginning Fall 2011 Faculty development will be expanded to include development of grading rubrics and funding for faculty to travel abroad The QEP will engage students in multicultural experiences outside the classroom through programs and festivals The goals and objectives of the original QEP will remain unchanged
Assessment Process International module assignment (presentation, group project, poster, or essay) to be graded by common grading rubric All sections of course integrate and teach module and grade assignment using common rubric Rubric assessments are entered online by faculty for EACH student
Example of Online Rubric The following is an example of online rubric to be completed by faculty by the end of each semester of implementation
Use of Assessment Results Summary results of rubric assessments are reviewed by chairs and faculty to identify necessary improvements Results of rubric assessments are NOT reviewed on a per student, per section or per faculty basis Results of rubric assessments are only used for purposes of assessing overall achievement of SLOs for students in all sections of the course
Pilot Course Results In spring 2011, BIOL 2230 – assessed 54 students using a common grading rubric for grading poster assignment on worldwide infectious diseases
Quality Enhancement Plan: Year Four Implementation