Getting to know GO Math! September 26, 2013
Agenda Welcome Collect Questions Understanding Mathematics Together Answers to Questions Best Practices Planning for Sharing at your Schools Closing Liz Fisher, CFN 207, September 2013
Questions Please record your questions on post its. Put each post-it on one of the following charts: – Online Resources – Lesson Structure – Differentiation Options – Assessment Opportunities – Performance Tasks – Other Liz Fisher, CFN 207, September 2013
Understanding Math Together Work on In the Kitchen independently. When you have completed both sides, please share with a partner at your table. – What do you notice about the questions? – What do you notice about your responses? Peruse Planner and Rubric Liz Fisher, CFN 207, September 2013
And now…I will attempt to answer your questions…
Overall Program Information GO Math is written to be completed by the State Test in April. There is a Scope and Sequence for NYC that details pacing for each chapter and critical area – 1 day for introduction, total number of lessons, 2 days for assessment (review/test) – This pacing has different implications for K-2 and 3-5 as only 3-5 has to finish the program by April. Implementation and Planning Guide: – Supports you with your planning – NYC vs. PG prefaced page numbers – Scope and Sequence by critical area for each grade (around page NYC34) – Enhanced lessons, written specifically for NYC teachers (NYC pages, about 9-12 per grade) – Questions that develop student thinking around the 8 Mathematical Practices (around NYC27) – Pacing Charts for each chapter (in PG pages) – Getting Ready for the (next) Grade Lessons (in PG pages) Liz Fisher, CFN 207, September 2013
Online Resources Principal must set up Think Central account for the school and enter teachers Teachers can change their passwords, but principals will still be able to see everything Teachers set up their classes For SMART Board, use SMART software; for Promethean Boards, use Active Inspire Downloadable tools include: – Interactive Whiteboard, Implementation and Planning Guide, podcasts, Julie Dixon videos, any PDF Tools that must be used live include: – Curious George and Carmen San Diego videos, Teacher Manual, Enrich and Reteach Books, any FLASH Teachers can assign work for students to do at home Real World Videos (grades 3-5) show children math in the real world Webinar Central – through NYC Portal Liz Fisher, CFN 207, September 2013
Lesson Structure Comparisons to EDM Teach the children in front of you. Determine the focus of each lesson. Teach the parts of the lessons that help your students meet the objective of the lesson. Program is written to teach one lesson per day Lessons are paced for 50 minutes Note: Grab N Go is an optional component to enhance learning for all grades. The bundle includes literature and games for each domain. Liz Fisher, CFN 207, September 2013
Differentiation Options Included in every lesson Based on data you collect through Show What You Know and daily quick checks RtI: – Tier 1: Reteach Book – Tier 2: Strategic Intervention – Tier 3: Intensive Intervention Liz Fisher, CFN 207, September 2013
Assessment Opportunities GO Math offers a lot of assessments. Do NOT endeavor to administer all of the assessments. Schools must decide how many of the assessments to give; grade-levels have to strategically select which assessments to use Beginning of the Year options – Prerequisite Skills – Beginning of Year Test Chapter Options – Diagnostic Interview Assessment – Show What You Know – Form A, Form B, Performance Task – Pacing – 2 days included for assessment (review; chapter test/task) Data-Driven Decision Making and Correlation Charts Assessment Hand-Out Liz Fisher, CFN 207, September 2013
Performance Tasks Performance Task Book Task, planner, task-specific rubric, scored student work One performance task for each chapter and another for each critical area (3 or 4 per grade) Liz Fisher, CFN 207, September 2013
Sharing Best Practices We have all had some time to work with GO Math! Share at your tables what is working – management, instruction, differentiation Whole Group Share Liz Fisher, CFN 207, September 2013
Planning to Share at your Schools What are the highlights you want to share when you meet with the teachers at your school? How will you share what you learned today? Liz Fisher, CFN 207, September 2013
Final Thoughts Some people grumble because roses have thorns; I am thankful that the thorns have roses. ~ Jean-Baptiste Alphonse Karr, French critic Liz Fisher, CFN 207, September 2013