{ Teaching materials and techniques for the communicative translation class Dr. Constanza Gerding Salas Universität Leipzig – Universidad de Concepción, May 2012
General teaching technique s Leipzig – Concepción, 2012
Brainstorming A process for generating new ideas Useful for finding solutions for specific translation problems by gathering ideas spontaneously without prior judgment or comment A good starting point for bridging the gap between students’ current knowledge and desired results (Shreve, 1997) It fosters relaxation, a state of mind linked to the incubation stage of problem solving (Kussmaul, 1995) Leipzig – Concepción, 2012
Relaxed discussion atmosphere Leipzig – Concepción, 2012
Relaxed discussion atmosphere Facilitates the creative process Lowers affective filters that may inhibit and feedback Affective filters are impediments to learning or acquisition caused by negative emotional ("affective") responses to one's environment Leipzig – Concepción, 2012
Discussions in the SL/TL? Leipzig – Concepción, 2012
Discussions in the TL (Colina, 2003) Foster students’ self-confidence Encourage paraphrasing Facilitate the association of words Leipzig – Concepción, 2012
Discussions in the TL (Colina, 2003) Foster students’ self-confidence Encourage paraphrasing Facilitate the association of words Leipzig – Concepción, 2012
The translation brief Leipzig – Concepción, 2012
The translation brief It may be a complete set of parameters for translators to follow up to the word It may consist of an incomplete list of requirements There may not be an explicit translation commission; so translators should have to find out missing information, determine key situational elements, etc. Leipzig – Concepción, 2012
Basic translation activities (Colina, 2003)
1.Pre-translation activities 2.Reading comprehension 3.Focus on language 4.Post-translation activities Leipzig – Concepción, 2012
1. Pre-translation activities They should allow for consideration of pragmatic factors for the ST and TT They must include a transition brief to help determine contextual factors for the TT They should encourage sense translating and discourage word-for-word translation They should deal with all sorts of transfer issues Source text analysis (text type & genre, function, format, style, readers, situation...) brief in mind Research and documentation; expert advice; glossary creation; parallel text analysis; terminological searches. Leipzig – Concepción, 2012
2. Reading comprehension Leipzig – Concepción, 2012
2. Reading comprehension Completion of incomplete schemas Understanding unclear/new terminology Following cohesion clues Use of context Understanding text formats and non-textual clues Identifying main points and secondary ideas Telling facts from opinions Predicting Paraphrasing and summarizing Answering the journalist's questions Leipzig – Concepción, 2012
3. Focus on language Focus on smaller units of translation Focus on language use Negative transfer: lexical or structural calque, false friends, inadequate register, etc. Comments on relevant language issues Avoiding unjustified transfer Reminding students of the importance of accuracy (grammar, spelling, format, etc.) Leipzig – Concepción, 2012
4. Post-translation activities Developing the translator’s self-concept and self- confidence Fostering professional awareness and behavior Examples A new brief can be set up to discuss its implications on the new TT. Discussion on the constraints of dictionary use Sharing ways of solving problems Sharing resources Analysis of textual organization differences Leipzig – Concepción, 2012
Outside of class Pre-translation activities should be assigned one or two class periods before the date scheduled for the start of the discussion. Pre-translation and translation activities themselves should be done outside of class. Pre-translation activities are given more emphasis at initial stages of learning. Post-translation production of clean versions for portfolio Leipzig – Concepción, 2012
The importance of analysis Robinson (2006) proposes the following: Never assume perfect understanding of ST Always pay close attention to translation commission Always find out who the TT readership will be Always analyze for text type, genre, register, rhetorical functions, non-linguistic clues Always analyze the syntactic, semantic and pragmatic relationship between ST and TT Leipzig – Concepción, 2012
In class Oral introductory summary reported by students. Gradual reading aloud of TT (text/s on screen) Contrast with various other versions Discussion of problems and comments on solutions Analysis of pragmatic changes Comments on special difficulties Correction of errors Analyzing translation decisions Sharing new information sources Sharing tools employed Leipzig – Concepción, 2012
Useful translation techniques Vocabulary building exercises (L2 learning): multiple choice, open cloze, roots and affixes, in- and out-of- context synonyms, opposites, etc. (Colina, 2003) L1 intra-linguistic translation (other ways to say it) Re-organizing paragraphs for text coherence Paraphrasing in the SL (Nord, 1996: 332) Summarizing orally in the TL Précis writing in the SL / TL Leipzig – Concepción, 2012
Useful translation techniques Comparing translated text based on different briefs Changing register or function Peer proof-reading and editing MT editing Contextual equivalents (Hurtado Albir, 1996) Peer translation correction according to a rubric (Hurtado Albir, 1996: 49-50) Leipzig – Concepción, 2012
Constructivism in translation Summing up, according to Lazo & Zachary (2008: 180) constructivist learning theories point at: creating adequate learning environments for collaborative work and communication activating previous knowledge encouraging active learning contextualizing learning developing autonomy (learning to learn) fostering the development of communicative competence performing tasks based on professional reality promoting learning diversity fostering intercultural understanding Leipzig – Concepción, 2012