The World of WebQuests TEDU 560 Instructional Strategies for Using the Internet Instructor: Jill Baedke
Definition… In 1995, at San Diego State University, Bernie Dodge and Tom March created a web base model for Internet projects and called it the WebQuest. They defined the activity as follows:. “A WebQuest is an inquiry-oriented activity in which most or all of the information used by learners is drawn from the Web.”
Objectives of the Web Quest To use the Internet as a resource for information ( Most or ALL resources are web sites) To engage students in higher order thinking skills (Not just recall of facts or information) To cover all content areas (Math, Sciences, Social Studies, Language Arts & more!) To adapt for students of all ages (Younger students have more teacher directed activities.)
Building Blocks of a WebQuest There are six steps to every WebQuest: 1.Introduction 2. Task 3. Process 4. Resources 5. Evaluation 6. Conclusion
1. Introduction This is a short paragraph to “set the stage”. Interest is raised by setting up a scenario or mystery. Roles are assigned to the student or students. (You are a city planner… scientist… musician… Olympic planner… zookeeper...) The students are assigned an active role in the Quest to find specific information for their task.
2. Task Another paragraph describes what the end result of the activity will be. (Plan a “lego” city … prepare animals for your zoo … compare ant and human communities in a slide show … make a “Don’t smoke!” poster,... puppet show,... song… play, etc.) End product requires learners to process and transform information that they find. WebQuests can be short term {1 - 3 class periods} or long term {up to several weeks}.
3. Process Clearly describes the steps for the project Builds the project step-by-step Includes the teacher as a guide Leads up to the final product which is some type of presentation. (play, song, poster, puppets, diorama, radio announcement, claymation, map, slide show, report, etc.)
4. Resources Teacher-suggested web resources Not all web resources have to be used Students decide which web sites - suggested by the teacher - support their outcome May include outside resources (surveys, interviews, etc.) but focus is usually web-based information
5. Evaluation Rubric designed by teacher Rubric may include working with the team, presentation skills, and project outcome
6. Conclusion Is student-focused Brings closure to the activity Reminds student of journey of steps to reach final project and what has been learned Encourages students to extend experience and interest beyond the final product
Where Do You Start? Start with your SOL and look for an issue, event, connection or contradiction that you can build upon. Create a motivating scenario that would lead up to your objective. Make sure it is “doable” for that age group. Decide if this is an individual or collaborative project. Create the roles, jobs, or perspectives that a student may take to complete this task. Look for web pages that would build background, highlight information, construct meaning, and create a means of attaining the goal of the task. Match links to reader’s reading and interest level.
How Do You Put it Together? WebQuests need a “launching” document to link the student to the resources on the Internet. At one time this could only be done through an HTML page in Netscape or Internet Explorer. Many WebQuests are published in this format and can be seen on the Internet. Since we know how to use the hyperlink features of MSWord - we will be using that format for our WebQuests. There is a MSWord template to help you set up your WebQuest. It is found in Course Documents > Lesson 8.
How Do You Make a Quilt? …one square at a time.
How Do You Build a WebQuest? …one piece at a time
Lesson 8 Assignments Using the resources suggested by the instructor - visit the WebQuest Training page set up by Bernie Dodge. He breaks down the SIX steps and describes each step in detail. Take some time to browse the MANY WebQuests already created to get ideas.
Lesson 8 Assignments Using one of your topics, start constructing a WebQuest for your students. Stay true to the SIX steps that are required to create a great project. There is a WebQuest template in Lesson 8 to help you stay on task. There are URLs to make a rubric in External Links > Lesson 8 to help you construct an assessment tool or you can make your own.
Lesson 8 Assignments Choose one WebQuest that “caught” your fancy and share it with your class on the Discussion Board. Forum: “WOW! Check out this WebQuest!”
Lesson 8 Assignments Check the Notes & Assignment sheet for more details about creating a rubric. Use the WebQuest Template to make a rough draft of your WebQuest. Your project is due to your group first - to be critiqued. Send it to me by Digital Drop Box. Check your calendar for due dates. Forum: “WOW! Check out this WebQuest!”