IPC Assessment for Learning at Panaga School 18th November 2009
Our Learning Targets To know about IPC Assessment for Learning To be able to share your child’s IPC learning
Knowledge, Skills and Understanding Tell a partner something you KNOW, something you ARE ABLE TO DO and something you UNDERSTAND
IPC Learning Goals Knowledge To know… Skills To be able to… Understanding To understand ..
Data, information Relatively simple Knowing ‘that’, knowing ‘about’ Knowledge… Data, information Relatively simple Knowing ‘that’, knowing ‘about’ Continually expanding Knowledge explosion!
Skills… Practical, knowing ‘how to’ Take time to develop through practise and experience Essence of many subjects: What scientists do...what historians do… At the heart of every subject Fewer key skills than ‘facts’ Cross-cultural Transferable
Complex relationship between knowledge and skills, developed over time Understanding Complex relationship between knowledge and skills, developed over time Do we ever truly understand something or do our knowledge and skills over time help us to develop an understanding? How often to we ask if or say that we understand something? Should we be really ask ‘Do you/I know…?
Teaching K, S and U Knowledge can be researched or taught by presentation Skills must be taught practically and in context. Time intensive and need to be revisited Understanding is facilitated rather than taught. Time is crucial.
Assessing Knowledge, Skills and Understanding Knowledge is easily assessable by tests, check ups and quizzes. Skills is difficult to assess out of context, no right/wrong. Skills need to be assessed more than once, as they are developmental. Understanding is more complex. It is longer, multidimensional process. Can we ever truly assess understanding?
Assessment in the Primary School FORMATIVE Continuous Related to learning targets Looks forward: target setting Feeds forward Personalised Learning Learning to Learn Leads to improvement Encourages engagement and self assessment Self Motivation SUMMATIVE A one off event/test May be feedback but no feed forward Grades not necessarily with actions Don’t need to know the learner Aimed at reporting
Primary School Assessment for Learning Assessment for Learning is…. ¨…the process of seeking and interpreting evidence for use by learners and their teachers to decide where the learners are in their learning, where they need to go and how best to get there.¨ Assessment Reform Group (2002)
(Assessment for Learning – Formative) It’s good to tell her how high she has jumped. (Assessment of Learning - Summative) It’s much better to recognise the height and help her to jump higher. (Assessment for Learning – Formative)
The skill of Juggling
Watch the jugglers in action. Are they working at ‘Beginning’, ‘Developing’ or ‘Mastering’ level? How do you know?
A rubric for juggling Beginning The person is able to throw one ball up and catch it. Catching is usually accurate but not always. They still need to watch and follow the ball with their eyes. Developing The person is able to throw two balls up and catch them with different hands. There is still some confusion about which hand to use. They can sometimes look straight ahead when throwing but often use their eyes to follow the ball. Mastering The person is able to throw three balls up and catch them with succession in different hands. They are able to look straight ahead when juggling and can automatically sense where to throw the balls
Giving learning advice Using the rubric to decide what advice you can give each other to help you move from ‘Beginning’ to ‘Developing’ or from ‘Developing’ to ‘Mastering’.
IPC Assessment for Learning Skills based, over a milepost Identifies key skills Rubrics for teachers and children Learning advice, to help children to improve their skills
For all of these subjects … Art Geography History ICT Music Physical Education Science Technology International
For each identified key skill in each subject… The scenarios are examples of the skills in action, in the different subjects in the IPC units It is an integral part of the IPC learning, NOT extra activities.
(Milepost 1: age 5-7 years, Primary 2 and 3) Geography Key Skill1.10 Be able to make maps and plans of real and imaginary places, using pictures and symbols (Milepost 1: age 5-7 years, Primary 2 and 3)
Where you will find the key skill being practised In Transport Geography Task 5, the children work together to make a class map to show all the routes the children take to school and to other places. The children decide on a colour scheme and any symbols they will use to produce their class map.
Beginning Developing Mastering Teachers’ Rubric Details what the key skill will ‘look like’ in action and exactly how a child performs within each learning stage. Beginning Developing Mastering
I’m getting used to it I’m getting better I’m really getting it Children’s Rubrics Corresponds to and reflects the teachers’ rubric, written in ‘child-speak’. I’m getting used to it I’m getting better I’m really getting it Pam
Using the Children’s Rubric Used to explain the key skill, success criteria and expectations in children’s language Used to involve children in their learning and assessment process, including target setting Used before, during and after a learning task
Learning Advice Learning advice given for each key skill How to progress from Beginning to Developing How to progress from Developing to Mastering For individual children/groups/class For children at ‘Mastering’ level – used to consolidate learning and to move to the next learning stage
Colours Hoops Photos Annotated children’s rubrics
What evidence will you see of IPC Assessment for Learning? Your children will be talking about their learning, not only what they are doing. They will be able to talk about learning skills, some new and some consolidated. Rubrics and other methods will be seen in their IPC books, with evidence of their IPC Assessment for Learning. The IPC section of your child’s end of year report will include the letters B, D or M and a comments about their skill and knowledge learning.
Any questions or further clarification? www.internationalprimarycurriculum.com