A Model for Faculty Technology Support The Teaching & Learning Digital Studio John Niedzielski Teaching & Learning Multimedia Specialist Calvin Information Technology Krista Spahr Teaching & Learning Specialist Calvin Information Technology
Teaching & Learning: Mission The Teaching & Learning Team collaborates with faculty, staff, and students to proactively promote and facilitate the use of technology in the academic environment.
Teaching & Learning Digital Studio: Vision Create a learning community, both physically and virtually, which is THE source for creative/innovative work at Calvin.
Objectives Provide support & guidance to faculty implementing technology into their instruction Adapt to meet new challenges while building on our strengths & successes Seamlessly integrate student & faculty learning opportunities into the T&L Studio concept Teaching & Learning Digital Studio: A Learning Community
Services Walk-in support Consulting Project development Technology exploration Faculty development & training
Services (continued) Not a “drop-off” center No charge for services Separate web servers Some software and services are not standard on campus
Technology Web design & development Digital image editing & illustration Presentation software Blackboard (a.k.a. Knightvision) Digital video & audio editing Document scanning & conversion Weblogs, wikis, & podcasts
Project Process On-going project schedules Project workflow –Proposal (Concept) –Proposal Evaluation Rubric –Feasibility –Scope –Closeout Faculty provide content, T&L provides project management, students provide tech support
Student Consultants T&L projects KnightVision support Technology exploration Studio support shifts Consulting
Consultant Competencies KnightVision Dreamweaver, Fireworks, Flash Digital Presentations Digital Video/Audio PHP/MYSQL Design Issues Client Relations Project Management
T&L Student Proprietor’s List PrimarySecondaryTertiary Web DesignEmilyAaronAll Graphic DesignAaronEmilyAll Web Dev/Program JustinEmilyAll Digital VideoGabeJoseAll Digital AudioGabeJose, JustinAll PresentationsAll KVAll
Promotion & Marketing Annual Teaching with Technology Showcase Outreach to new faculty Training & workshops Press releases
Questions? John Niedzielski Krista Spahr