沉 浸式教 學 / 目 前教 學法 / 未 來傳 統學 校之轉 型 中 美國 際學 校 周均


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Presentation transcript:

沉 浸式教 學 / 目 前教 學法 / 未 來傳 統學 校之轉 型 中 美國 際學 校 周均

Immersion School 請看中 美國 際學 校網 頁

目 前教 學法 區 分教 學 Differentiated Instruction 核 心問 題 Essential Questions 反 向課 程設 計 Understanding by Design/Backward Design 評 分指 標 Rubrics 課 程統整 Curriculum Mapping

Differentiated Instruction What is DI? A process of teaching and learning that begins with the premise that not all students are alike. Based on the readiness, learning preferences and interests of the student, it requires you to vary your approach and adjust the curriculum and the presentation of the material to give students access to multiple paths to the same goals or outcomes.

Essential Questions Essential Questions guide students to Understand the “big pictures” To think critically To identify the essential concepts and skills to be learned Cross through disciplines and language Provide organizing purpose for meaningful and connected learning

Understanding by Design In effective classrooms, teachers consistently attend to at least four elements: Whom they teach (students)-student centered Where they teach (learning environment) What they teach (content) How they teach (instruction) (DI and MI)

Backward Design Stage 1 – Desired Result Established Goals-what relevant goals will this design address? Enduring Understanding-students will understand what are the big ideas? Essential questions-what provocative questions will foster inquiry, understanding and transfer to learning? Students will know……students will be able to do…

Stage 2- Assessment Evidence Performance Tasks: authentic performance tasks, what criteria? Other evidence: quizzes, tests Self-assess

Stage 3- Learning Plan Learning activities (according to ACTFL Standards)

Rubrics A rubric is a rating scale that defines and differentiates levels of performance. It identifies all the needed attributes of quality or development in a process, product or performance. There are many kinds of rubrics.

Curriculum Mapping What information do we collect initially on a map?

Curriculum map 核心問題 Essential Questions 內容 Content 能力 Skills 評估 Assessment 我們要學生知道 什麼 What higher level concepts students will understand 什麼內容﹐主題能提 供學生學習 What are the students going to learn 學生學到什麼 是否能學以致用 What students will be able to know and do 學生如何表現他們 所學 ( 如何測量 學生學到什麼 ) How students will demonstrate understanding

未 來轉 型 著重 5C’s 如 何運 用口 語 加 強思 考分 析能力 Bloom’s Taxonomy 終身學 習