Rising again resurgence re (again) + surg (rise).


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Presentation transcript:

rising again resurgence re (again) + surg (rise)

tumult or chaos pandemonium pan (all) + demon

strict, binding stringent string (bind)

unbeliever infidel in (not) + fid (faith)

tumult or chaos pandemonium pan (all) + demon

lower oneself condescend con (together) + de (down) + scend (climb)

shy diffident dis (away) + fid (faith)

manlike anthropoid anthropo (man) + oid (appearance)

impossible to change Irrevocable ir (not) + re (back) + voc (voice)

explain elucidate ex (out) + luc (light)

oddness eccentricity ex (out) + centr (center)

aware cognizant cogn (know)

bloody sanguinary sangui (blood)

weighty ponderous pond (weight) + ous (full of)

sleepwalker somnambulist somn (sleep) + ambul (walk)

speak in favor of advocate ad (to) + voc (voice)

lower oneself condescend con (together) + de (down) + scend (climb)

delay temporize tempor (time) + ize (make)

sophisticated urbane urb (city)

aware cognizant cogn (know)

witty comment epigram epi (upon) + gram (writing)

replace supersede super (over) + sed (sit)

rising again resurgence re (again) + surg (rise)

weighty ponderous pond (weight) + ous (full of)

sophisticated urbane urb (city)

easily controlled or managed tractable tract (pull) + able

easily controlled or managed tractable tract (pull) + able

lifeless inanimate in (not) + anim (mind)

side by side collateral col (together) + lat (side)

strict, binding stringent string (bind)

speak in favor of advocate ad (to) + voc (voice)

delay temporize tempor (time) + ize (make)

unbeliever infidel in (not) + fid (faith)

precise in conduct punctilious punct (point)

sleepwalker somnambulist somn (sleep) + ambul (walk)

side by side collateral col (together) + lat (side)

shy diffident dis (away) + fid (faith)

robot android andro (man) + oid (appearance)

precise in conduct punctilious punct (point)

revenge retribution re (back) + trib (pay)

impossible to change Irrevocable ir (not) + re (back) + voc (voice)

witty comment epigram epi (upon) + gram (writing)

explain elucidate ex (out) + luc (light)

robot android andro (man) + oid (appearance)

revenge retribution re (back) + trib (pay)

oddness eccentricity ex (out) + centr (center)

bloody sanguinary sangui (blood)

replace supersede super (over) + sed (sit)

lifeless inanimate in (not) + anim (mind)

manlike anthropoid anthropo (man) + oid (appearance)