Greek and Latin Roots and Affixes


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Presentation transcript:

Greek and Latin Roots and Affixes Unit 1 somat, corp = body hem(o)(a)(at) = blood cephal(o), cap = head, brain cardi(o) = heart arthr(o) = joint derm(at) = skin Body somat, corp Somatology – the psychological and anatomical study of the body After working on numerous corpses in medical school, I decided to become a forensics pathologist so I could determine how people die. Corpse – a dead body

Greek and Latin Roots and Affixes Unit 2 odont(o), dent(o) = tooth, teeth bronch(o) – windpipe digit – toe, finger manu – hand opt(o) – eye, view, sight pod(o), ped - foot tooth, teeth odont(o), dent(o) Orthodontist – doctor who specializes in the correction of teeth After sorting through my seashells, I noticed that one had a dentoid shape; It looked like one of my molars. Dentoid – resembling a tooth

Greek and Latin Roots and Affixes Unit 3 ambul, grad, grade, -gress= to walk, move around dic(t), voc, vok = to speak, call voice graph, gram, script, scrib = to write, record scop, spec, spic = to look vis = to see vor(e) = to eat To walk, move around Ambul, grad, grade, -gress progress – to move forward My dog was unable to ambulate because his hind legs were injured in an accident. ambulate – to walk about, move from place to place

Greek and Latin Roots and Affixes Unit 4 ten, tin, tain = to hold, grasp, have audi(o) = to hear, listen itis = inflammation of mania = craving, insanity phobia = fear of dormi = sleep To hold, to grasp ten, tin, tain retain – to continue to hold or have In order to retain my knowledge, I must study my notes daily. tenant – one who holds a lease

Greek and Latin Roots and Affixes Unit 5 cracy, crat = government, rule, power andro = man, male anthrop(o), hum = man, mankind gyn(ec) = female matr, mater = mother patr, pater = father government, rule, power cracy, crat democracy = government by the people In England, the queen and her family are considered aristocrats because of their wealth and political influence. aristocrat = a noble, one who has wealth and power

Greek and Latin Roots and Affixes Unit 6 gen(o) = birth, race, cause ped = child phil(o), phile = to love, lover of aut(o) = self dem(o) = people the(o) = god birth, race, cause gen(o) Genealogy - person’s family tree Due to my genetic make up, my children will have brown eyes. It is the more dominant gene. Genetic – coming from heredity

Greek and Latin Roots and Affixes Unit 7 co, con, syn, sym = with, together intr, intra / endo = within, inside, inward hypo/ sub = under, below hyper / super = over, above inter = between ep(i) = on, outside with, together co, con, syn, sym symbiosis - A relationship of mutual benefit or dependence. In science class we were able to see how worms and other insects live symbiotically to help the environment. connection – the act of linking

Greek and Latin Roots and Affixes Unit 8 pre, pro, ante, ant(i) = before, forward, prior to prim / proto = first tele = from afar via-, voy, -vey = way road, path chron(o), temp = time ann, enn = year, years before, forward, prior to pre, pro, ante, ant(i) antebellum – the period before war; esp. the Civil War. The antebellum lifestyle is one of hardship and concern because people know war is looming overhead. premature – existing before the assigned time

Greek and Latin Roots and Affixes Unit 9 bio/ vit = life eer, or, er, yer, ist = person who, that which psych(o) = mind, spirit techn(o) = art, skill, craft, builder ium = chemical element bibli(o), libre = book life bio, vit biology – the science of living organisms. The vivacious dog jumped all around the house as soon at it saw its master enter the room. vivacious – full of physical or mental vigor or energy

Greek and Latin Roots and Affixes Unit 10 geo / terr = earth aero = air, atmosphere, aviation pyro, igni = fire aqua / hydr(a)(o) = water heli(o), sol = sun astr(o), stell = star earth geo, terr geography – the study of the earth and its features. The rocky terrain did not aid for a comfortable ride in the four-wheeler. terrain – the surface features of an are