Latin and Greek Roots Instructions: Copy the root, meaning and examples. Study, learn the words and their definitions. Root meanings will help you learn the words meanings. Students are res-ponsible for knowing definition of each word on the list. There will be tests. When tested students will be asked to add words not on the list that use the roots. Students will be asked to explain how the root connects.
acerbic, acidity, acrid, acrimony acer, acid, acri Root Meaning Examples bitter, sour, sharp acerbic, acidity, acrid, acrimony
acute, acupuncture, accurate Root Meaning Examples sharp acute, acupuncture, accurate
aer, aero air, atmosphere aerial, aerosol, aerodrome Root Meaning Examples aer, aero air, atmosphere aerial, aerosol, aerodrome
alt Root Meaning Examples high, deep altimeter, altitude
agent, agenda, agitate, navigate, ambiguous, action ag, agi, ig, act Root Meaning Examples do, move, go agent, agenda, agitate, navigate, ambiguous, action
alias, alter ego, alibi, alien, alloy, alter, altruism Root Meaning Examples ali, allo, alter other alias, alter ego, alibi, alien, alloy, alter, altruism
amiable, amorous, enamored am, amor Root Meaning Examples love, like, liking amiable, amorous, enamored
ambulatory, amble, ambulance, somnambulist Root Meaning Examples ambul walk ambulatory, amble, ambulance, somnambulist
anniversary, annually, centennial Root Meaning Examples anni, annu enni year anniversary, annually, centennial
anthropology, misanthrope, philanthropy Root Meaning Examples anthrop man anthropology, misanthrope, philanthropy
antique, antiquated, antiquity Anti (co) Root Meaning Examples old antique, antiquated, antiquity
Root Meaning Examples andro, andr male, men, man androcentric android
arch Root Meaning Examples chief, first rule archangel, architect, archaic, monarchy, matriarchy, patriarchy, Archeozoic era
aster, asterisk, asteroid, astronomy, astronaut aster, astr Root Meaning Examples star aster, asterisk, asteroid, astronomy, astronaut
ante Root Meaning Examples before antebellum, anteroom, antecedent, antedate, anterior, antediluvian