Wordpieces 3.4
Root: sequi/sec to follow
inconsequential Adjective Having no effect or importance Synonym: trivial; minor Antonym: essential
consecutive Adjective Following in order Synonym: sequential
execution noun The way something is done Synonym: operation; performance
Root: cur/cour to run
courier Noun One who carries and delivers Synonym: messenger; carrier
incur Verb To bring about Synonym: acquire; gain Antonym: avoid
recurrent adjective Happening repeatedly Synonym: habitual; persistent Antonym: infrequent
Root: grad/gress to step
gradualism noun A policy which involves taking slow, measured actions
regress Verb To go back to a less mature or less positive state Synonym: slip back; degenerate Antonym: improve
digress Verb To move away from the topic at hand; ramble Synonym: depart; wander; stray Antonym: continue; stick to
Root: ambl/ambul To walk
amble verb To casually walk; stroll Synonym: mosey Antonym: hurry
ambulatory adjective Able to walk
preamble noun A passage or speech which introduces another Synonym: preface; foreword; prelude