Munayly region Kyzyl Tobe -2 School №6
Academic Advisor: Karakulov S.P. Created by: Aiapbergen Shinar Djumabaeva Kalya Tobisheva Janna
Subject “Efficient usage of water disposals in casual life”
The reason of choosing this topic:
Our Aim: Water boiling resource with reconstruction. We need to use it effectively. The main issue of our region are arid and semiarid areas which can be planted with trees and gardens with the mechanical methods.
The usage of Water by People rely on the facts of 2013: In the world considering per capita 2 liters of water was used per day. If today in Kazakhstan pouring water productivity is liter production per one cubic meter of water, in developed countries is liters. There are 185 billion water in 5 freshwater sources in Mangistau region which can be used approximately for 65 years. In a conclusion we have to use effectively freshwater.
Regional usage of water indicator rely on Department of Environmental Protection facts of 2012 in Mangistau region: people use 2 billion water per year in a region. 1.4 billion of this water is artificial water, that is taken due to desalination of water from sea water. Consumption of water in Munayly region is 3000 cubic meter The usage of water in Kyzyl Tobe-2 is cubic meter per month.
Types of soil in Mangistau region: Brown soil Brown-gray soil Poor developed brown soil with macadam Gray soil Gray-brown soil Chemical content of soil: Nitrogen, Oxygen, Hydrogen, Silicon, Aluminum.
Fragments of work done: