Waterworks of village:
Usage of water in a casual life: By fact residual water is becoming unusable dirty and oily. It can be cleaned in a mechanical way that is synthesis of water Area of water that was spilled through the filter will be wet. We will set the trees to the moist soil. Resistant trees of Mangistau region: black willow, jida trees, and different types of flowers
Phases of plan implementation Amount of plot in village is 2035 Index of their water usage has been divided into categories (residents who use water in a huge amount, use water in a less amount and use for watering) From the side of organization hole should be dig. (it is no more than 1 meter) Residents who grow the trees get a discounts for water purchase
Methods of goal achievement: Dig 2 holes at a depth of 1 meter under the ground. Need to conduct plastic pipe to the 1 st well through the home sewerage. Then we need to conduct short pipe from the 1 st well to the top of the 2 nd well. This supernatant water passes through the plastic pipe to the 2 nd well. Supernatant water in a 2 nd well will be pour on the 3 rd well, and passes through the special filter made of felt (felt will filter the water completely and absorb the oil in water composition).
Mechanism for using the remaining water: To hold water in a transparent cavity through the pipeline
Mechanism of water purification in a 2 nd and 3 rd well and its use 2-water storage station, half purified water Balance still water Clean water Special filter made of felt. It changes every 3 month Clean water will be channeled to water the trees Well which was made from plastic Iron mesh for the sun’s rays hit
Soil filtration 1 23 The place of soil moisturize with water that passes through the pipelines Moist soil to grow the tree
This is expected results: 123 Garden Emergency entrance
Our village in the future
Conclusion The main advantage of our project is Kazakh material “Felt” which doesn’t need any additional mechanical devices. The main character of felt is suck oil and its not expensive material. According to our calculations each family can grow 3 trees. In general the residents of village can grow 6105 trees per year. This figure for 10 years growth to trees, and it is equal to the small forest.