Election Frequency Relationship to State Elections Representative Structure Franchise Voting Obligation Voting & Counting System Casual Vacancies Candidacy Election Campaigning
Election Frequency Relationship to State Elections more frequent no regular pattern less frequent regular pattern WHAT ARE WE TRYING TO ACHIEVE? 3 year terms? [current] more accountable? (to extent elections = accountability – turnout? access to office?) only short-term solution if proximity to State elections not solved (eg by simplifying LG election process – representation structure?, franchise?) $ more 4 year terms? better long-term planning? long-term solution effect on candidacy? (allowances?, filling of casual vacancies?) best transitional process? pattern re State elections best for inter-government relations? $ less (with other elements?)
Representative Structure local choice of optionscommon sector-wide WHAT ARE WE TRYING TO ACHIEVE? Range of options? [current] respects local autonomy? (do electors have enough influence?) wards more “representative”? impact on elector information?, filling of casual vacancies? $ more Limits on numbers? All elections at large? No area + ward councillors? One method for principal member? better decision-making? at large PR more “representative”? impact on turnout?, informality? filling of casual vacancies? $ less (with other elements?)
Franchise widernarrower WHAT ARE WE TRYING TO ACHIEVE? Residents + property owners and occupiers including corporate and group? [current] Give more than one vote to corporates and groups? Expand personal franchise to any SA resident with an interest? “fairer”? impact on voter turnout?, candidacy? $ more? Residents + “principal ratepayer” other non-resident owners and occupiers to apply? Residents, + “principal ratepayer” only? Residents only – no property franchise (except ACC) ? more “democratic”? impact on voter turnout?, candidacy? $ less? (with other elements?)
Voting Obligation varies by councilconsistent LG sector wide WHAT ARE WE TRYING TO ACHIEVE? Compulsory voting introduced selectively? by council choice? by decision of Electoral Commissioner? if turnout for a council falls below “acceptable” level? Council-specific information needed Offset this complexity by simplifying system in other ways – representative structure? franchise? Voluntary? [current] electors’ right? other ways of increasing participation? Compulsory? electors’ duty? ways of maximising informed vote? Sector-wide information possible Relationship to method of voting (personal/postal)?, franchise (compulsory for non-resident electors?)
Voting & Counting System mix of methodscommon method WHAT ARE WE TRYING TO ACHIEVE? Option of optional preferential? Choice of system, depending on no. of vacancies to be filled? relationship to representative structure, voting obligation (eg OP gives no weight to preferences of most popular candidates, mix of instructions may increase informality) council-specific information, electors more or less confused? Partial preferential voting with PR counting? [current] relationship to representative structure, voting obligation (eg PR most suitable for multi-member electorates, informality may increase as no. of candidates and vacancies increase) sector-wide information, electors more or less confused?
Candidacy fewer restrictionsmore restrictions WHAT ARE WE TRYING TO ACHIEVE? Encourage widest range of candidates? Dual candidacy? Nominate for multiple positions? Attract certain type of candidate? Pre-requisite course? Bond? Requirement for Mayor to have previous experience as member? Reduce nomination period?
Casual Vacancies treat as new electionfill using previous election WHAT ARE WE TRYING TO ACHIEVE? Respect unique context of election? base period before election in which vacancies not filled solely on need for any supp. election to be over before periodic election process commences? Make use of representative structure? “carry” vacancies where representation not affected (needs at large, no wards)? [current] Reduce number of supp. elections? expand period before election in which vacancies not filled to up to 12 months? allow member who unsuccessfully contests supp. election for different office on council to retain position? Make use of voting system? fill casual vacancies by using ballot papers from previous election for that office (needs PR)?
Election Campaigning Some issues to consider: Length/content restrictions on candidate profiles –Use of council resources by sitting members –Cost of effective campaigning –Potential commercial exploitation of electoral roll data made feasible by electronic formatting